Isis Uptown

Next week's challenge: Take the name KIM KARDASHIAN. Rearrange the letters to get the last name of a famous actress along with a famous one-named singer. Who are these people?

The Duke of Edinburgh and his valet walk into a bar, and take their seats, the valet on His Majesty's right. The valet tells the bartender "His Majesty will have Grey Goose vodka and fresh-squeezed orange juice. I will have a Pimm's cup." When the drinks are made, the bartender says "Here's your Pimm's cup, and here's

I wanted to add that in a conversation with Clever Niece about WWII-era cartoons, I asked her if she'd seen the Daffy Duck one about the "little man from the draft board" i.e. "Well, now I wouldn't say that". She has not.

"The Predator design is credited to special effects artist Stan Winston. While flying to Japan with Aliens director James Cameron, Winston, who had been hired to design the Predator, was doing concept art on the flight. Cameron saw what he was drawing and said, "I always wanted to see something with mandibles."

Will Shortz again did not call me. The answer to his little puzzle is:
(My clue was that one could appreciate the phrase with both the body parts.)

A man from hell is not afraid of hot ashes. - Dorothy Gilman (June 25, 1923 – February 2, 2012)


QUOTATION, n. The act of repeating erroneously the words of another.
The words erroneously repeated. – Ambrose Bierce (June 24, 1842 - after December 26, 1913), "The Devil’s Dictionary"

I just read the historical novel My Enemy, the Queen , about the real person Lettice Devereaux, and she had two sons (Robert Devereaux, Earl of Essex and the short-lived Robert Dudley), one husband (Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester), and even a son-in-law (Robert Rich), named Robert, not to mention Leicester's

Who are the Residents, though? Goldie doesn't know that does he?


June Carter Cash (June 23, 1929 – May 15, 2003)

Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. - Alan Turing (23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954)

Endlessly and without cease!

I still want Dio's ghost to haunt Simmons. Endlessly and without cease.

There's something in the barbecue sauce.

"If you want the boogaloo, I will give you the boogaloo."

Has Electric Boogaloo fallen out of favor?

Oooh, a parable. Like the one about ten virgins?

To give without any reward, or any notice, has a special quality of its own. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh (June 22, 1906 – February 7, 2001)