Isis Uptown

Why was six afraid of seven?

How do you stop a robot from destroying you and the rest of civilization?

There was photographic evidence of her as a young woman, and she gave birth to two sons. . . hmm, her daughter was adopted, so maybe there was a switchover in early 1950s.

In reality, I did have robot surgery in 2009. That is to say, a robot guided by a doctor performed surgery on me. I wasn't scared.

I wrote the book Everything You Wanted to Know About Robots,
But Were Afraid (Very Afraid) to Ask, but under my pseudonym, Anne Droid.

What do you call a pirate robot?

A robot walks into a bar, orders a Stoli Screwdriver, and lays down some cash.

I live in New Orleans, walking distance from lots of restaurants, a short drive to some big names. Yet, somehow, Osiris and I have a rotation of about five restaurants that we regularly frequent.


*With Fat Joe

Let's open a bar with balance ball barstools. It could be called something like Six Packs. Wait, no, just The Gym. "Honey, I'm going to stop by The Gym after work." Yeah.

Ms. Marvel?

I like Jennings, but would prefer an experienced TV host, think Tyler is very personable, and would like a woman host on an established game show.

Rant away, she sounds horrible!

So sorry for your loss. I lost a sister (homicide, no less) 26 years ago. Losing siblings is really hard.

My husband's mother insisted on him and his brother going to their cousins' weddings. Osiris was about 40, his brother mid-thirties for the second one she'd insisted on. Their cousins didn't care.

Both of my grandfathers (Cajuns, born in the early 20th Century) had the middle name Joseph. It was all over South Louisiana.

Some people just look for contention. My father and I had enough common ground (crossword puzzles! dogs! Johnny Cash!) that we could skate around the continent's worth of ground that wasn't common.

Yes, I am in New Orleans. Keep me posted!

I prepared my comments like I'd prepare a story for a Moth Story Slam; I used to do those pretty often. Pop wanted a memorial led by an old friend of his who is a minister. The good reverend is past his prime now, but if all he does is lead a prayer, we've respected Pop's wishes.