Isis Uptown

It sounds terrific. May I come to the party?

If you mixed premium vodka with freshly-squeezed orange juice, and served it to the Duke of Edinburgh, what would you call that cocktail?

Yesterday, one of my Facebook memories from 2010 was a nice picture of my father standing outdoors, with a caption stating that he was enjoying life as a trophy boyfriend in Florida. (As I’ve mentioned many times lately, Pop died on May 31.) By “trophy boyfriend”, I mean that Pop was attractive. I shared the memory

He likely did well at the audition, but whatever he had fell through for the actual taping.

Ridin' 'round town with all the windows down
Eight track playin' all your fav'rite sounds
The rhythm of the bongos fill the park
The street musicians tryin' to get a start

I figured out the FJ during the think music, saying, "Oh, yeah!" before saying the answer aloud for husband and dogs to hear.

A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for. - William Shedd (June 21, 1820 – November 17, 1894)

The kind that read Buzzfeed in the first place.

Since when do we have to agree with people to defend them from injustice? - Lillian Hellman (June 20, 1905 – June 30, 1984)

I'm a woman, and I sound like Ally Sheedy.

A high-voiced attorney where I work has five children.

Pre-existing research shows that men with lower voices are judged more sexually attractive, so the authors decided to measure one indicator of their reproductive fitness, sperm count.

I still don't want to listen to her.

". . . the significance of Kim Kardashian’s arduous pregnancy" would indicate that by admitting that her pregnancy was arduous, Kardashian showed that not all celebrity pregnancies, and by extension, not all pregnancies, are wonderful and glorious.

Thank you. The memorial is this coming Saturday. Here is the obituary; you'll likely figure out which daughter I am:…

If you are not content with what you have, you would not be satisfied if it were doubled. - C.H. Spurgeon (June 19, 1834 – January 31, 1892)

If Puzzlemaster Will Shortz calls one of y'all, give me a shout-out.

You're on the right track, but read this again:
"Remove the first and last letters of that word, and what remains will name another part of the human body."

Thanks! painting, sculpture, dance, theater, and, in my clue, especially music all comprise a set collectively called the phrase in question.

I don't know how to make the grey bar. Yes, that and other things collectively known as the familiar two-word phrase.