Isis Uptown

Next week's challenge: Think of a familiar two-word phrase starting with T and ending with S, in which the interior letters name part of the human body. Remove the first and last letters of that word, and what remains will name another part of the human body. What's the phrase, and what are the body parts?

As to the shooting of my state’s own Mr. Scalise (I wish him a full recovery, though I am no fan), I wish I didn't find myself sharing the story of my sister's death, by gun violence, so fucking often, but here it is (I told the story at a Moth Story Slam in February 2015, it happened on Mother's Day 1991). Fuck your

I believe that if, at the end of it all, according to our abilities, we have done something to make others a little happier, and something to make ourselves a little happier, that is about the best we can do. To make others less happy is a crime. To make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts. We must try to

It's a failure of national vision when you regard children as weapons, and talents as materials you can mine, assay, and fabricate for profit and defense. - John R. Hersey (June 17, 1914 – March 24, 1993)

This morning:
Isis: It's Geronimo's birthday
Osiris: Chief?
Isis: Yes, in whose Cadillac we want to ride.

While living I want to live well. - Geronimo (June 16, 1829 – February 17, 1909)

Homo sapiens is the species that invents symbols in which to invest passion and authority, then forgets that symbols are inventions. - Joyce Carol Oates (b. June 16, 1938)

I want her to host "Jeopardy!" but Trebek is determined to keep going.

We watched this show for the first time last night, and I noted to Osiris that it wasn't the episode described.

I get ideas from everything. A big color, the sound of water and wind, or a flash of something cool. Playing is like life. Either you feel it or you don’t. – Erroll Garner (June 15, 1923 – January 2, 1977)

Dio for President of the Afterlife!

My stepmother's body was donated; her memorial (2008) was some time after her death, because her sister was traveling in China when my stepmother died.

May the ghost of Ronnie James Dio haunt him forever!!

I'm named after my aunt. I can neither confirm nor deny that she is Hawkwoman.

As the sister of a homicide (by gun) victim, I've long stated "A person with a gun and bad intentions makes any place unsafe."

I wish I didn't find myself sharing the story of my sister's death, by gun violence, so fucking often, but here it is (I told the story at a Moth Story Slam in February 2015, it happened on Mother's Day 1991). Fuck your guns.

Thank you. He died two weeks ago, but, since he donated his body, we (well, Smart Sister) set up the memorial for a few weeks out. Here's the obituary, you can probably figure out which daughter I am:

Yeah, I know saying Pop was cooler than Archie Manning isn't saying a lot, but if you looked at the picture, you can see that my Pop was pretty cool. Pop got even cooler when he grew the mustache, but that wasn't until later in the 1970s.

Thank you @avclub-c2f1c4ca8c389f37c0d3c838bb27ef25:disqus. I miss my father, but, as noted, reality is complicated.

We’re preparing for my father’s memorial on June 24. My brother and youngest sister went through pictures at our mother’s house (my parents divorced in the 1980s, after 22 years and five children). One picture is from Pop’s days as a Burger Chef manager (late 1960s to early 1970s) in Crowley, LA, showing Burger Chef’s