Isis Uptown

I think it's real, and the LW is that clueless. Alison Green was pretty kind, considering.

"If she weren't my daughter, I'd be dating her!"

Alison Green was very kind in her response, all things considered.

I know, right?

Over the weekend, with help from my son and his girlfriend, Osiris and I made a goofy promo for Uptown Transcription, my side hustle. I managed to get it to “Mark and Sarah Talk About Songs” soon enough that it will be in this week's podcast. Here’s the version that says “mention YouTube promo” rather than “mention

This letter to Ask a Manager, today. So much wrong:


That must've sucked. I went to prom my senior year. It was OK.


I am glad Son of Isis was able to just ask the girl he was dating to prom, without having to put on a show.

“…many people prefer the comfort of fantasy to the harshness of reality. They seem to reason this way: 'How can I arrange my beliefs so I'll feel most comfortable?' rather than arranging them to agree with reality.” - Howard Kahane (19 April 1928 – 2 May 2001)

On "Imaginary Mary" (which has cut back on Mary since the pilot and is now about Dharma interacting with her boyfriend and his children), a "prom-posal" was done to the tune of "To Be With You" by Mr. Big, a song from 1991. Because it's a sitcom, the prom-posal happened three times, each time with more performers

Usually, I just do what I want, because I got it that way. - Bernie Worrell (April 19, 1944 – June 24, 2016)

Laws should be like clothes. They should be made to fit the people they serve. - Clarence Darrow (April 18, 1857 – March 13, 1938)

See my comment below.

A katydid walks into a bar and orders a Cosmopolitan.
The bartender makes the drink and charges it $18.75 (USD) for it, saying "You know, we have a drink named after you."
The katydid says "You have a drink named Tom Collins?"
The bartender says, "Uh, well, we do, but I meant a Grasshopper; we don't see a lot of

I don't know if my high school did that; I wasn't in the running for any such thing.

Maybe she went to a really mean school. It's the "most" and "best" that get voted on, e.g., my mother was both "Most Popular Girl" and "Best All Around."

Is this the classroom for 'Dolly's America'?

I know that every good and excellent thing in the world stands moment by moment on the razor-edge of danger and must be fought for. - Thornton Wilder (April 17, 1897 – December 7, 1975)