Isis Uptown

Thank you, MLA

Merci, JM.

Also, from my calendar today:

Keep up the good work MLA!

My other topic this week is that on Monday, my father, who is in the late stages of lung cancer, and also who doesn’t usually text, texted an uncaptioned, shirtless picture of himself to my siblings and I. He’s very thin, and certainly not doing well. My brother and I replied with “love you” and Smart Sister, who can

This week’s “What Youngest Coworker Said” is not dumb, rather kind of cute. She and a paralegal where trying to decide how a named was pronounced, saying “Sha-me-ya, Sha-mi-ya”, and YC said, “That makes me think of, oh, I know it’s not ‘Thelma and Louise,’ what’s the two girls who went ‘1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8’?” Well, I’m

Sounds like carelessness. Also kind of scary. Do you have cats or small dogs? Keep them indoors.

Hi, souse. How's it going?

Why would they schedule Easter during Coachella?

Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart. - Henry Clay (April 12, 1777 – June 29, 1852)

And they scheduled Easter during Coachella! Why would anyone do that?

And if I only could
I'd make a deal with God
And I'd get him to swap our places
Be running up that road
Be running up that hill
Be running up that building
See if I only could, oh

It is also where the Predator lives.

Space is indifferent to us. It is a hostile environment to us.

Whoo-hoo! Status twins!!

The things we hate about ourselves aren't more real than things we like about ourselves. - Ellen Goodman (b. April 11, 1941)

You'd think.

I've mentioned elsewhere that someone gave me a Chicken Soup book, because she knew I liked to read.

Looking up the city + the sea creature, I've learned the city has a swim club and the team's name is that sea creature.

You can tell you have created God in your own image when it turns out that he or she hates all the same people you do. – Anne Lamott (b. April 10, 1954)