Isis Uptown

Q: What did the baby mouse say when he saw a bat for the first time?
Mummy, I’ve just seen an angel.

I see death in your future.

It's funny because Gilligan isn't really "a mighty sailing man."

If you remove a syllable from the sea creature's name, you get the name of a famous artist.

Yeah, the New York Trail.

We spoke with that woman by the fountain; her pug (he can be seen in the video), named Gaston, visited with our dogs.

I didn't remember that video. Strange.
I found T.Rex on The Midnight Special in 1973:

Here is some video I just took at Audubon Park. I was just trying to get the pinwheels, and didn't realize that attractive woman's butt was so, uh, prevalent:…

Next week's challenge: Name a well-known U.S. city in two words. Replace each of these words with a word that rhymes with it, and you'll name a large sea creature in two words. What is it?

Some of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was filmed in New Orleans, though it is not set in New Orleans. When it first came out, I made a lot of jokes about Caesar walking into local bars.

Every person you will pass on the street today is going to die. Living long enough, each will suffer the loss of friends and family. All are going to lose everything they love in this world. Why would one want to be anything but kind to them in the meantime? - Sam Harris (b. April 9, 1967)

We have the choice to become more cultivated and therefore more human – or by muddling along as usual we shall remain the destructive and self-destroying animal, the victim of our own cleverness. - Vivienne Westwood (b. 8 April 1941)

And can I watch?

I perform a lot more charitable acts since figuring out I am an atheist than when I was a Catholic. <shrug>

It's called: "'A Different World' only there won't be allegations of rape against Anthony Anderson 30 years from now. Really."

So, on "Mom", Christie is the lead and Bonnie is the title character, right?

Somebody once said we never know what is enough until we know what's more than enough. - Billie Holiday (April 7, 1915 – July 17, 1959)