Isis Uptown

I like that, but they know me by my real name.

Monday, it'll be two years since I got fired from a firm named Courington, Kiefer & Sommers, LLC (its real name). It wasn't my husband's birthday, though. The reasons they gave don't hold up to scrutiny. I wonder if Brad's wife was subject to trumped-up charges.

I am a great admirer of mystery and magic. Look at this life - all mystery and magic. - Harry Houdini (March 24, 1874 – October 31, 1926)

Gimme back my doughnut, @Whovian!

Shakira Law! On a doughnut!

"It looks as if we are going to lose the war, and if it comes to the point of the Honorable Death of the Hundred Million, we all have to die anyway. It's probably not a bad idea to find out what married life is like before that happens." - Akira Kurosawa’s (March 23, 1910 – September 6, 1998) wartime proposal. She

You're welcome.

It was on the ledge, not on the desk, but still.

Kwan-Yin is made of some kind of resin, I think, and she was right where coworker wanted to place some papers she wanted to talk about, but yeah.

I have a statuette of Kwan-Yin, avatar of compassion, at my desk. She was on my ledge and a coworker came to talk to me, picking up moving Kwan-Yin over as she began speaking. It really annoyed me that she did so, ever though Kwan-Yin is an avatar of compassion.

The more the heart is sated with joy, the more it becomes insatiable. - Gabrielle Roy (March 22, 1909 – July 13, 1983)

Folks talk too fast, and don't understand what they talkin' about. - Son House (March 21, 1902 – October 19, 1988)

Tennyson was the proto-Dude.

I sent her a link.

We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It's easy to say, 'It's not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.' Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes. - Fred Rogers - Mr. Rogers (March 20, 1928 – February 27, 2003)

Birthday man Antoine Reynaldo Diel​ with Paul Sanchez​, singing Paul's song, "Someone Again" in June 2013.

Next week's challenge: Think of a familiar phrase in the form "I ___ you," in which a four-letter word goes in the blank. Rearrange those letters and you'll get another familiar phrase in the form "I ___ you." Both phrases get more than half a million hits in a Google search. What phrases are these?