Isis Uptown

I think it's a terrific movie. I saw it when it first came out, when I was a teenager. I happened to see it in May 1991, less than a week after my sister Renée's death (a homicide), and the "you and me, we're the kind of people other people would like to be" number reminded me of Renée and her best friend, a gay man,

I learned than my aunt’s ex-husband, Uncle Dick, died. Uncle Dick (that was his name, I’m not impugning his character), who was movie-star handsome in his prime, was my sister Renée’s godfather, which we, as Cajuns, call our “parrain” - Renée, who appreciated handsome men from early on, called him “my pretty parrain.”

Christianity has been buried inside the walls of churches and secured with the shackles of dogmatism. Let it be liberated to come into the midst of us and teach us freedom, equality and love. - Minna Canth (19 March 1844 – 12 May 1897)

C'est la vie, said the old folks

That Paladin could be partying with Monopoly tokens!!

Isis Uptown recommendation:

Confrontation is not bad. Goodness is supposed to confront evil. - Fred Shuttlesworth (March 18, 1922 – October 5, 2011)

I like it, but haven't heard it before.

I was able to locate "God's Free Health Plan" on Google:


I recall a priest in Lafayette, LA talking about the people who'd say "Yeah, Father, I'm keeping Lent. On Fridays, I have a crawfish boil." Yeah, dude, you're really fasting!

Do people ever use their D&D miniatures to play Monopoly? The Ranger and the Rubber Ducky might be pals.

In New Orleans, the Bishop waved his Magic Scepter™ and made it OK for the Catholics to eat corned beef on this Lenten Friday.

I once found $80 (a $50, a $20, and a $10) in the pocket of a skirt I got at Goodwill. That was cool, this is even more so.

The people who know nothing about music are the ones always talking about it. - Nat "King" Cole (March 17, 1919 – February 15, 1965)

Isn't Luke a trampoline star? Why didn't his parents tell the creepy dean that?

What influence in fact have ecclesiastical establishments had on Civil Society? In some instances they have been seen to erect a spiritual tyranny on the ruins of the Civil authority; in many instances they have been seen upholding the thrones of political tyranny: in no instance have they been seen the guardians of

It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes. – Andrew Jackson (March 15, 1767 – June 8, 1845)

The 1981 movie "So Fine" had clear-butt designer jeans.