Isis Uptown

Why continue? Because we must. Because we have the call. Because it is nobler to fight for rationality without winning than to give up in the face of continued defeats. Because whatever true progress humanity makes is through the rationality of the occasional individual and because any one individual we may win for

The attorney is statuesque, so that's in Grace territory. She and her husband are Caucasian, though.

An attorney where I work is pregnant, it's a girl, and her husband's last name is Jones. She said her mother is partial to the name Grace. I noted that the famous Grace Jones is awesome, so it's a good choice.

Happy Birthday, Don Novello​ a/k/a Father Guido Sarducci​ (b. January 1, 1943)

Xavier Cugat (1 January 1900 – 27 October 1990)

Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account. - Oscar Wilde

When I think of what life is, and how seldom love is answered by love; it is one of the moments for which the world was made. - E.M. Forster (1 January 1879 – 7 June 1970), "A Room with a View"

My son's best friend, Grant Leblanc, is on the cover of this slide show, "Extraordinary Acadiana people who died in 2016". In the actual slide show, his first name is omitted, he is identified as "Edouard Leblanc, 32, Lafayette Chef, Musician"; he might have been amused by the error. My theater friend Bob Sidman is

Donna Summer (December 31, 1948 – May 17, 2012)

I've decided it needs to be real. I am in New Orleans and know lots of singers, etc. Come join us, @KateH!

Yeah you right.

Huh? I didn't love you anyway.

Baio used to sing on "Happy Days" and "Joanie Loves Chachi". He can do it now, too!

I would join the Atheist Multi-Use Facility Choir if it existed, and if I had singing talent.

My best guess ever was when I said "Blondie and Dagwood" as soon as the category "Fictional Couples" was revealed. The clue was "Among the guests attending their anniversary party in 2005 celebrating 75 years were Dick Tracy, Dilbert & Dennis the Menace." It freaking WAS "Blondie and Dagwood."

Well, yeah, it IS like that.

Bo Diddley (December 30, 1928 – June 2, 2008)

The sister who didn't know it is 50 year old (could pass for 35), my brother and I, who answered her question, are 55 and 53, respectively (we can pass for 55 and 53, respectively).

My son's best friend, Grant Leblanc, is on the cover of this slide show, "Extraordinary Acadiana people who died in 2016". In the actual slide show, his first name is omitted, he is identified as "Edouard Leblanc". My friend Bob Sidman is also included in this list.

I guessed "Narnia" as soon as the category was revealed, thus didn't have to change my response.