Isis Uptown

My son's best friend, Grant Leblanc, is on the cover of this slide show, "Extraordinary Acadiana people who died in 2016". In the actual slide show, his first name is omitted, he is identified as "Edouard Leblanc". My friend Bob Sidman is also included in this list.

Good morning, good morning. . .

[wordless cry of anguish]

I will ask next time I see her.

Here's an article about 2016, and all that entails:

Yes. Brother and I answered her simultaneously.

My mother is OK, but had some issues today that necessitated my brother texting my sisters and me. My brother then noted that Mom requested lobster, he could get it at Rouse's, and that he'd checked with the nurse about outside food. I replied "How nice of you!" and his answer was "IKR?"

Senator Bail Organa, who looked good, and was waiting with an escape pod for Yoda after Yoda did his mad beat-down, and who has a lame-ass line at the end of ROTS "my wife and I have dreamed of adopting a daughter" instead of the more human-sounding "my wife and I have dreamed of adopting" or "my wife and I have

Jimmy Smits!

Christmas was good; my mother got busted out of the rehab hospital/nursing home to spend the night at Darling Sister's, Osiris and I went there for the day. Mom looked pretty good, and was delightful company when she was awake. She didn't want to go back to the facility, I didn't check with my brother at how that went.

I know, right??

Osiris and I went to the gym Monday before breakfast, but I had that day off, so NBD. This morning we went to the gym before breakfast, which meant early enough that we have to use my fingerprint to get through the gym doors. At breakfast, we mentioned going to the gym, and Osiris told our waitress we were getting a

There is a waitress at one of our regular places who stutters (presumably James Earl Jones is referring to his speech issues). It's impressive that she is a waitress at all, and she's a good one.

Earl Fatha Hines (December 28, 1903 – April 22, 1983)

Carrie Fisher on "Celebrity Poker Showdown" - she's playing against David Cross, Tom Green, Mimi Rogers, and Scott Stapp.

My 15-year-old niece, Clever Niece, really enjoyed "Watership Down", maybe more than I did as a teen. Apparently, when told Disney was going to remake the movie, she told my brother (her uncle, she's our youngest sister's kid) "What about the blood! They won't show the blood!"

Rest in Power, Carrie Fisher.

"What famous guitarist. . . ?"

"What famous producer. . . ?" was invariably Phil Spector.