
I get what you're saying about people who are generally on feminism's side not being beyond reproach, but this "true ally" shit has got to stop. I am telling you, as a guy, even when we understand there are problems and treating women equally is the only reasonable way to behave, it takes a long-ass time to really

What is this "free pass" bullshit? Free pass from what? And nobody's saying that Aziz Ansari has magically cured gender issues. He's just making an effort that could have a positive impact, and only an idiot would act like that's a bad thing. You're just arguing for argument's sake against someone who's trying to help.

Yeah, sure. Aziz Ansari is in the PRIVILEGED GROUP! Growing up a skinny little Indian kid in South Carolina must have been a breeze. I'm sure he coasted along on nothing but privilege as the white male patriarchy embraced him. Yes, I'm being sarcastic. You are the problem.

It's unfortunate that this attitude of must be perfect pops up regularly on Jezebel.

It's long since been established that the owls are not what they seem. In addition, sometimes it feels like we are subject to the gestures of an invisible hand . . .