Isilzha. I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star.

I want to donate my bones to the oesteology lab of the Anthro dept.

How are campaigns events considered private events? If anything should be in the public domain its politicians running for public office,

Apparently your experiences aren’t valid.

You’re dismissing a lot of people’s real, lived experiences. Sorry that their reality disputes the propaganda you want to promote.

I’m moving in with my mom soon and I’m in my 40s. Not where I thought I’d be at this point in my life.


I’m just wondering what’s valid and who gets to judge.

Three years with no medical insurance and untreated hypothyroidism. Is that valid enough? Not sure how to suck up a chronic condition that could kill me.

The only problem I have with the Romance genre is when it’s masquerading as historical fiction. I hate wading though all the romance novels classified as HF to find something I want to read.

The last group project I had in college one girl freaked out because I wanted to collaborate using email. You’d have thought I asked her to pull a molar

Anyone childfree but in a relationship with someone who has kids? Thoughts? Advice? Warnings, lol?

These stuffed black peppers. haven’t made them in a while. Probably a better choice than the alfredo I just made, lol.

After a while you just have to accept being grey, embrace it, and change your user name to reference the best sci-fi series ever.

Why won’t you tolerate my intolerance?

I was married at 18 and divorced at 41. I really regret wasting my youth, denying myself the experience of dating, and not focusing on myself and what I wanted to do. Of course, at 18, I thought what I wanted was this man who I really loved and for us to make a life together. None of that worked out.

How can they be helpless with the most basic stuff? They’re not. They just don’t want to do it, don’t want you to ask, and want you to think twice about ever asking again. Do they act that way in any other areas of their life? Do they constantly not listen and screw up stuff at work? No.

Wait...I thought NOT having children was selfish! At least, that’s what I’ve been told over the years.

It’s so wonderful you had that. My dad could fix just about anything, but it wasn’t worth teaching me because I’m a girl. He did let me sweep up the laundries though. It’s taken a long time for me to undo that mindset. He died and while I regret things never improved between us, I don’t really miss him.

I’m not sure which kid I feel more sad for. The girls who will grow up being told that they’re incapable of running a business or the boy who’ll be expected to take it on no matter what he really wants to do with his life.

No one else thinks he’s also a misogynist, puffed-up, domineering douche bro? I stopped watching a long time ago because I couldn’t stand how he treated and talked to women. And those were the segments deemed worthy of airing on TV. I can’t imagine what he’s like when the cameras aren’t on him.