It’s very ergonomic too. Glad no one has to slouch for hours on end.
It’s very ergonomic too. Glad no one has to slouch for hours on end.
Oh, look at that big Straw Woman you just brought out!
Women of childbearing age are always in a state of either pre-pregnancy, pregnant or breastfeeding! We need laws, arrests, fines, and severe punishment!
Plenty of things affect sperm quality but the CDC doesn’t put out infantalizing infographics about that. Men who drink and get violent often inflict that violence on their partners, but the CDC doesn’t focus on that and instead tells women that their drinking is what puts them at risk.
Well, welcome to ‘burque. :/
OK, real question. How do you volunteer and not be the youngest person there? I ask this as a 40+ year old. Am I just picking the wrong activities? Do I have to wait another 30 years for my age to catch up to my interest? What’s going on here!?
It sounds like 30 minutes is all the energy he has for socializing. That’s not a bad thing, in and of itself. Let him know it’s OK; that’s he’s welcome to be there even if he’s not actively engaged. Let him be around you and your friends but read a book, play on his phone, zone out. Let him be Eeyore.
And your vit D (no, not the dirty version!)
Apparently I’m really difficult to get to says my best friend who I haven’t seen in 9 years. I just..don’t. Don’t do people. Don’t like people. Don’t want to be around people.
My neighbor is trying to get to know me for some reason. I’m really terrible at this. Gah, can’t everyone just leave me alone in my…
I’ve had a cervical biopsy and am wondering how an IUD compares. No pain meds for the biopsy either and that was the worst experience of my life thus far (I don’t care if my screaming alarmed other patients!)...and that’s including a partial amputation of the fingertip I recently managed to do.
I really want to live to see Star Trek non-invasive medical scan technology. That and self-driving cars....cause losing your ability to drive as you age sucks.
Hope you have a good/great lawyer. I had two crappy ones and it cost me dearly. :/
I don’t understand why that’s not regularly done. This is a well known phenomenon.
Wait...what’s this? If this group is upset then I must be missing something good!
Why can’t she stop promoting woo?
The last thing you want to do is waste 20 years with someone you love but who’s not your friend. Been there, have the t-shirt (and the divorce papers), and it’s the biggest mistake of my life.
#1—oh, that was my ex-husband. He always got mad, accused me of laughing AT him and no amount of reassurance saved me from the passive-aggressive crap he’d put me through for days after.
At 18 I believed in soulmates and One True Love. More than 20 years and a divorce later—AHAHAHAHAHA...oh, HELL NO!
I wish 18 year old me had understood that!
You’re being deliberately obtuse about this, but I’ll jump in too. Another reason why it’s a bad idea is that his “girlfriend” jumped from one relationship straight into a “relationship” with him and was talking about marriage and family withing months of it. HUGE red flag. HUGE!