Isilzha. I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star.

With cheating there’s a lot more than one single poor judgement call. It’s a series of choices. It’s much different than forgetting to pay a bill.

It’s not about sexual fidelity. It’s about lies, manipulation, not addressing issues in the relationship, etc. If you want to have an open relationship, fine, but don’t promise fidelity and still think you can do whatever you want.

I’m sure they’ve all given bone marrow, a kidney, and part of their liver to save a dying child!

Some cultures do get rid of their aged when there is significant food stress. However, older adults do have value especially in preliterate societies.

Human children are born less developed and have a very long childhood. Parental investment is part of that; there’s a quality/quantity tradeoff that’s also happening.

It even seems like he’s arguing that rejection (not being laughed at—rejection!) is a given for a man, but not every women is murdered so we should be more concerned about men’s feelings. Of course, women are never rejected or laughed at by men either! Men seem so fragile, don’t they?

It was 21 years for me and my greatest regret is not leaving him. OK, well, my greatest regret is marrying him in the first place, lol.

Yes, because you’re certainly not a nice guy and you lack any understanding of anything outside your experience. You have no empathy and can’t even put yourself in another’s shoes on an article about a woman being murdered for rejecting a strange man.

The internet says that she has a networth of $300 million.

Thanks for posting that. I made a similar comment upthread. It’s not always like the PSAs make it seem.

Sometimes the warning signs are much more subtle than they’re portrayed in the PSAs. It’s not always overt. My Ex was a master of passive-aggressive abuse. My “favorite” was when he’d do the dishes loudly. Confrontation (as he called it), ie, asking what’s wrong, almost always led to escalation. He accuse me of

Apparently throwing a cheap, plastic, bic pen in his general vicinity “provoked” him to tackle me to the ground, get on top of me, pin down my wrists and scream in my face. Later he said it was my fault for throwing a plastic pen (I “started it!”). However, he once literally tore a door apart in front of me. I’ve

Yeah, until you’ve left your phone in one city, flown to another, and tried to find a working pay phone at the airport. It’s not like it was when you were a kid—pay phones are not ubiquitous, often don’t even work, and cost way more than a dime/quarter now.


and the fact that “holiday” literally means “holy days” just adds another level of WTFness to it. How dare we acknowledge that other people may have holy days that aren’t related to xianity.

It was like a bad Sunday School lesson. Saccharine, trite, shallow, and everything a movie like this is suppose to be, lol.

Corpses have more rights to body autonomy than living women. These “pro-lifers” don’t demand that organs be taken from the dying/dead to save people who need them. There’s no call for men to be forced to give up bone marrow, a kidney, and part of their liver to save a life. Nope, it’s just women who should have no

No, no we don’t have to support these screwed up notions that a woman’s value is in her purity and that a man should always be in control of her. I don’t hate this woman for her choice; instead, I feel very sad for her and the many like her who grew up in that repressive environment.

No, that sort of attitude and belief system does not often create a space where women are “made to feel comfortable and good” about themselves. Not at all! In fact, it reduces a woman’s worth to what’s between her legs and the state of it. It’s the sort of belief system that lets “sex” educators tell young girls that

From what you’re saying it seems like you’d have people summarily executed for looking at their phone in a movie theater. I don’t want to live under your idea of rules, law, and “justice”.