Isilzha. I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star.

Wait, so, if I buy this I can be one of the trendy people!?

Essentially you’re complaining that you don’t understand how culture and language work. Things change; deal with it.

Welcome to the internet! You must be new here.

I agree, but I also read the comments on my local news FB post that shows even citizens of the US don’t get it.

It sounds like the organizers had made arrangements for people to have their children in proximity (there’s a breastfeeding room!), but the author wanted to be an exception and keep her kid with her.

I’m 5’1”. One of my dreams is to have a house built to my size or at least half of it if I ever share it with someone again. From the cabinets and counters in my kitchen, to my desk, I would like my small corner of the world to actually fit me! Now, to have enough money to make that happen someday.

Apparently the entire internet does not know it works like that. Unfortunately, many of them are actually adults who have homeowner’s insurnace or go into people’s homes who do. Adulting is hard, but this is pretty basic stuff here.

Yeah, I realized my husband of 20 years never really loved me either, but FFS people, I don’t need you to remind me of that! Oh, and yeah, I’m thrilled to know I wasted two decades of my life on an asshole; again, thanks, I managed to figure that out now!

That’s funny since the waltz was once seen as scandalous and vulgar.

One house centipede is traumatic? I’ve had to remove 4 desert centipedes from my house this summer.

There was the teen girl, Brenda Ann Spencer, who hated Mondays, but she was in the 70s.

Funny that you use the word “amok” which is from Malay and was used to describe someone who goes on a violent rampage attacking other people. It’s not exactly a modern phenomenon.

There’s some speculation that it may have to do with an out-of-whack body map. The body isn’t mapped properly in the brain and those part/s that aren’t coded correctly are seen as alien. I have no idea how this applies to eyesight. But BID is sort of weirdly interesting (like that Sacks [?] story where a guy keeps

No kidding. I WISH it was a choice because I wouldn’t chose men, lol.

You do realize that there is color blindness, color weakness (especially with red and green) and that color is very cultural. Some cultures don’t identify distinctions between the same colors as we do, some have more colors than we can distinguish.

Fuck being un-grayed! Sometimes the world is unfair and we have to accept that being in the gray is our lot in life.

My dad would get angry when he bought a product and saw the instructions in French and Spanish; he’d be really enraged if it was some Asian language. It didn’t matter if I tried to explain to him that the companies sold those products in other countries and maybe the same set of instructions were included for all

It’s not that much different than my dad talking about where he was when Pearl Harbor was bombed or when people talk about where they were when JFK was shot. These sorts of events are seared into our memories in a way that most days aren’t.

Snopes is responsible for getting my inlaws (now EX-inlaws) to stop emailing me all their stupid, mostly republican-god-amerika, shit. I would send a reply not just to them, but to everyone in their chain of stupid. It didn’t take long for them to stop including me.

Amazingly, I have enough ridicule to go around. I can ridicule this because boys are never given this message either. I grew up in an xian house, went to xian schools, so I’m quite familiar with these sexist expectations.