Isilzha. I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star.

Stores don’t always have a regular checkout open. I’ve asked for a register to be opened with varying success. It’s not easy on my elderly mother either and she’s obviously disabled and definitely technologically deficient. I don’t mind using self-checkout for a couple of items, but if I’m stocking up on stuff then I

I was raped by my highschool boyfriend, right after consensual sex too. Needless to say, the couple of friends I told were completely unsupportive because “if you’re already having sex with someone then why would he rape you? How could he rape you? You’re just looking for attention.” Fuck them—though it was a

Ugh...if I have to scan, bag, and look up codes then I should be getting a discount for doing that work.

Yeah, proof that religion is the source of much of the world’s evil.

It was my rejection of their religion and coming out as an atheist that really got me disowned.

I won’t be disowned from my family (or murdered by them) if I don’t wear high heels and wax my bikini line.

Because it’s much easier to manipulate a 12 year old than an 18 year old?

It doesn't sound like it's 90% your baggage though. His behavior is disrespectful to you. Doing that once or twice a year isn't that big of a deal, but regularly going out, staying out past midnight (especially when he said he'd be home earlier), during the week...IS a red flag.

It's a bad sign that he's so upset, especially because she's losing hair over a change in her health, aging, pregnancy, etc.

Well, rape culture is the idea that victims have to give signals to stop (and did the victim say “no” with enough firmness and enough time) rather than the rapist should be expected to get more consent than “she didn’t seem to be into it, but I went ahead and put my penis into her anyway”

Seems like a a great fairy tale to me.

I should have seen the warning signs too. I stayed in my marriage for 20 years. The horrible crap he did ranged from complete thoughtlessness to abuse. About 5 years into our marriage we tried to take a trip to Europe. I ended up getting the worst flu I'd ever had—before or since. He wanted to send me back to the

I've been wondering if I can still do a cartwheel. I won't be trying it anytime soon. Not unless I do some serious upper body strength training or something. I'm scared now.

Can honeymoon just mean the night of your marriage day? If so, I eloped, was disowned by my parents, and we ended up staying at the apartment of one of my new husband's female friends. He proceeded to get drunk and flirt with his friend and one of the other girls there. The friend had an aggressive cocker spanial

Human activities that are not “natural” and Robertson should ALSO be against:
Living in houses, electricity, A/C, eyeglasses, surgery, pills, polyester blend clothing, buying food that was grown thousands of miles away, television, electronic fund transfers to scam artists like Robertson, computers, the internet.

According to the owner, “anyone has the right to believe anything”, so maybe in this case we can let the threats slide so as not to violate those people’s right to believe that threats are effective.

How many people has the Innocence Project freed to date?

The prosecutors tried to coerce one woman into sterilization after she was arrested with marijuana. She also happened to be young and had 3 kids. I guess the prosecutors just wanted to throw in some forced sterilization for grins and giggles.

No, the shocking thing is how many people don't see a problem with it.

Your body parts should not be part of the bargaining tools.