If Craigslist ads are to be believed there are lots of men out there waiting to give oral pleasure, no reciprocation required. They'll show up, do the deed, and leave.
If Craigslist ads are to be believed there are lots of men out there waiting to give oral pleasure, no reciprocation required. They'll show up, do the deed, and leave.
That doesn't work if you've been married for a long period of time and have gotten a divorce.
So, keep the person who violated their vows with you because you're honoring the vows you took with the person who is a liar (and according to the OP, he lied and lied and lied after being confronted) and cheater? Also, I'm not saying to keep the friends; they're pretty much scum, but at least they didn't violate…
What the hell? OK, so, excluding sexual services, what stuff were the therapists suppose to provide under that policy?
I wish you the best; I really do. I hope it works out and you don't regret giving him another chance. Good luck.
The Walgreen's script works really well when I'm buying vodka and cigarettes. Yes, I'm going to be well with my purchases, thanks! Eh, give me an hour and I won't really care.
I doubt you're actually overreacting though. You're reasonably angry and frustrated at the problems he's creating. This is a serious red flag. It's a typical tactic of abusers to push buttons in this way in order to make you upset. It doesn't matter how many times you calmly state your position, try to speak in a…
"Cassandra Syndrome"—that's funny because in my 20 year marriage (now about to be divorced), I started calling myself "Cassandra". What's even worse is that I not only had to explain it once, but every time I used it. It's like nothing I said every made it through his thick skull.
That didn't work with my exhusband. If I got supporting evidence of my ideas then I was overloading him with information. If I brought something up again because nothing was getting accomplished the I was "going on and on about everything".
OMG...she didn't even SAY that she smelled carbon monoxide. She said that she smelled gas which can mean many things other than carbon monoxide. Just FYI, gas is a state of matter. Car emissions are also gases.
It's not so much the cheating that I find issue with, but the ongoing deception, manipulation, triangulation and projection from him onto her that it's her fault/problem/disorder. Those are the traits of someone who is emotionally abusive.
My husband had a work friend. He was married 20+ years; She was married about 10. They car pooled together so I could use our one working vehicle to take my elderly mother to her doctor's appointments. No telling what they did during the workday. He's now living with her. Hopefully my divorce from him will be…
Why would you dump the horrible friends but not the person who took vows with you? The cheating was bad enough, but he also lied about it and then triangulated you with the other couple to try to make you out as the problem.
And they're not enforceable so don't get mad when someone else takes the spot you think should be reserved for you. Why doesn't Whole Foods want the shopping experience of someone in the early stages of MS to be a bit easier? Or someone on crutches? Or someone with an elderly parent? Or someone exhausted from…
Why should having a baby get you more privileges? If you have a medical issue serious enough then look into getting placard. Otherwise, many other people have issues you also know nothing about. They may also be dealing with their own health crisis and life burdens, but like you, may not qualify for a placard.
Anyone who thinks that sex/gender is absolutely binary has no knowledge of biology.
The problem with cheating is more than the act of having sex with another person. It's the lying, the deceitfulness, sneaking around, and treating someone you're suppose to love and have taken vows with like they don't matter. So, no, I have no empathy for people like that.
Your post sounds like a cry for help and you're trying to get validation that you're not a bad person and still a good mother despite the fact you abuse your kid. Sounds like you need some serious help. I hope you get it so your child doesn't have to suffer your wrath and abuse for too much longer.
Many years ago a friend and I went to a Japanese restaurant that had recently put in grills. The hostess asked where we'd like to be seated, at the grill or a regular table. My friend wanted to try something from the grill so I asked if I could order off the regular menu if we sat at the grill. The hostess told me…
Keep it in your home or church and off government and public property.