Isilzha. I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star.

Well, we have hidden ovulation and can mate outside of estrus. So, there's that at least.

Then don't read up on orangutans.

I also include parasites, their control over host behavior and, for some reason, antlions (cause they're just cool).

Dude, stop being so defensive and actually reread the post again. It's not the poster's child. The child is the Ex's from a previous marriage.

I ignored my inner screamer for over 20 years. I loved him, but it was a horrible marriage. Even after he was abusive I stayed because I foolishly thought it would get better and still somehow still loved him. He ended up having an affair and leaving 2 years ago. We finally agreed on a divorce settlement

There were condoms. Latex condoms were invented in the 20s; I'm sure by 1936 they were available. Yes, there was a stigma to using birth control, but maybe that didn't stop her. Maybe she knew she likely couldn't get pregnant again. Maybe she saw sex as not worth the effort of having to put up with any man.

What he did is so heinous that he shouldn't get another chance with those kids. Those kids will likely be scarred for life in some ways. At the very least the people they would have been died the day they saw their father attempt to kill their mom and had to lay next to her covered in her blood.

When he gets out they will likely still be minors and you think it's OK to force the kids to have to interact with someone who tried to murder their mom? What about the kids' rights? What does the fact he contributed DNA to those kids trump the mother's rights and theirs?

I'll have my beaver anal gland secretions with some cochineal red dye, please.

eh, I'm going to Godwin this argument right here:

If beaver anal secretions aren't natural, then I don't know what is.

Don't bother warning the next person or the next. I know that seems harsh, but when the abuser is turning on the charm for his next victim there's little you can say to convince them. The abuser will then use what you say to convince their new victim that you're just crazy and bitter over the breakup.

OK, so the cafeteria offers chocolate milk for sale to employees, but you think it's some sort of test? Those employees who buy it are knocked off the promotion list?

When I confronted my Ex about his affair he accused me of "maligning his character", "always thinking the worst of him", and how all his late nights were only because he was working so effing hard to make money for us and that I was a bitch for not appreciating his sacrifices. ROTFLMAO! The next day he admitted to

Yeah, cause girl fetuses are NEVER, ever, ever aborted anywhere in the world. There's not a shortage of girls in certain cohorts in China/India or anything.

Of course, there's now (how many at last count?) X "missing" women from China due to the conflation of the one child policy, a preference for boys, and sex selective abortions? But that's OK though...cause it's just female fetuses.

Wish I could give you a good suggestion. I tried so many things over the years. Now, I'm just hoping my divorce is final on Monday. :/

My ex putting away the dishes in the wrong place really baffled me at the time. He was using energy into taking something out of the dishwasher and putting it in a cabinet anyway, so what was the point of finding a new and wrong place to put it? On more than one occasion I asked if he thought something (often the 2

As someone who was in a 20+ year marriage and is now getting a divorce, my experience is men deliberately do "women's" (cough) work badly to get out of doing it or ever being asked (and don't forget the chance to be self-righteously angry if anyone dares complain about how they did it). Most of these tasks are not

Before the vaccine the parties made some sense since getting chicken pox as an adult is usually much more dangerous. The practice certainly can't be defended now since there actually is a vaccine for chicken pox available. I would certainly rather have a shot than spend two weeks in horrible misery. I was around 12