Really? You want to punish child prostitutes? How about adequate social services to get them out of the environment, into a stable home, back into school, provide them with medical care and counseling? Putting them in juvie is not protecting them.
Really? You want to punish child prostitutes? How about adequate social services to get them out of the environment, into a stable home, back into school, provide them with medical care and counseling? Putting them in juvie is not protecting them.
It wouldn't have mattered if you had warned her at the time; she wouldn't have believed you. Plus, he would have used that as an example of how "crazy" you are and how much better his life is with her.
Conversations like that make you start to question if you're actually still speaking English (or whatever native language you normally speak) or if you've suddenly been afflicted with aphasia. For a few minutes the entire world becomes surreal and you also wonder if you've fallen into an alternative universe and if…
All the people who died aren't here to dispute your claims. Just want to keep facts straight.
Apparently not. She was held against her will, taken to an exam room, and forced to show her genitals to a guard.
A few days ago my 75 year old mother said she wanted to see the movie and/or read the book. I need some mind bleach now.
Really? You'd show up and "pay respects" if someone doesn't want you there? That doesn't sound very respectful. OK, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume perhaps you or someone you're close to has never been in the hospital for anything serious (as in, life-0r-death serious). A person in that situation…
Boot camps for kids, Scared Straight programs, Outward Bound (if I remember the name correctly; it's the wilderness stuff meant to "build character"), and nearly almost any teen residential program based on the idea of blind obedience, tearing down someone to build them up again, forced labor, little to no medical…
No, it doesn't demean the suffering of the kids to call out religion as a direct source of harm. Religion has been rife with the abuse of children and what makes it worse it that it's often ignored under the guise of religious freedom or the religious organization had enough money to be above the law.
Nope, because it certainly says something about someone's character if they cheat after a marriage, especially a longterm marriage. If you want to bone someone other than your spouse then get a divorce or at least a separation. This should be especially true of conservatives who make a big deal about gob, "family…
Oh, no, another moral panic! Quick, everyone, clutch your pearls and scream, "What about the children!?"
Being bathed, reasonably groomed, and dressed in clothes that aren't complete rags should be enough. Is this the stuff asked of frats? Are they wearing spanks, suits/ they have to dye their hair and take care of the roots? Are they plucking their eyebrows? How much of a time sink is all this stuff for…
Food poisoning isn't just a crappy time in the bathroom; it can kill people. You have no idea what sort of pre-exisitng medical issues the wedding guests had. Something like this can KILL someone. You and the chef are psychopaths to deliberately do this.
Except, if I remember correctly, the oxpeckers are mostly after blood. They will keep wounds open to feed off of the blood. It's sort of a symbiotic relationship, but one that's likely very annoying and painful for the hippo.
Yeah, that was the plan if she wanted to buy the dog. The guy abandoned the dog; she didn't decide to buy it. And she did have her kid to consider. Sure, she could have made a better choice, but what she didn't certainly doesn't seem to warrant the amount of hate she's receiving.
So, the answer was to take the dog on the train with her kid?
Oh, I'm so glad I misread that.
I'm a great believer in soaking stuff.
Hot corn syrup? Was something lost in translation or does that mean exactly what it sounds like it means?