“As others have said, the dashboard and interior appointments pretty much look identical to the Model 3—ultra spartan, with a gigantic horizontally oriented tablet running ruining everything in the middle.”
“As others have said, the dashboard and interior appointments pretty much look identical to the Model 3—ultra spartan, with a gigantic horizontally oriented tablet running ruining everything in the middle.”
Missing a few dozen dozen dash buttons.
ding ding ding.
Never mind. Stupid picture wont embed.
I drive through mountain passes at least a couple times a month and yet I never really worry about this so thanks for that.
Also, Routan is much more fun to say that Touareg.
Your solution is acceptable. Proceed.
You are not wrong. But we need a bigger vehicle than the Touareg, I often leave the Q7 for the pickup because we do not pack light. Our Q7 now is a tdi and I would FN love 264 more torques .
please put in Q7, please put in Q7, please put in Q7. Oh dear god please put in Q7.
Scrolling trough the comments and not many mouths agape at the sticker price. This is an econobox for $37,000 AFTER $8,000 of my taxes are given to the buyer.
Zactly. And would also suggest at least some snowboarders.
I was going to say just drink for 24 hours.
(Insert epic eye-roll GIF here)
You are not alone. There is a reason long hoods aint cheap.
Oh yeah. On snowy roads nothing beats AWD or 4WD with good snow tires.
My inlaws have an RDX and an MDX and those buttons!! Who ever thought 1/2 dozen buttons is a better solution than a dial or lever should be caned with a cane.
For me that club isn’t very elite.