Dear God! That car is a few minutes from me. I humbly volunteer to go put some much needed kms on it. For the greater good.
Dear God! That car is a few minutes from me. I humbly volunteer to go put some much needed kms on it. For the greater good.
This car weighs 600 lbs LESS than an 80's Carrera
My V8 S4 was like that. At sustained and very illegal speeds you could perceive the needle’s movement. Or so I’ve been told...
I thought my car was going to burn down a week ago when the ignition rotor cracked which threw the spark timing way out which dumped raw fuel into the cat which began to glow as bright as the mid day sun. Much heat, smoke and fear ensued as I don’t have an extinguisher. On my car the cat is immediately beside the…
The differential between the hilarious sale price and a later, lower price should be considered the cost of the privilege of taking the condition from brand new to hey, nice patina via hoonage.
. Technically an air cooled 911 engine is kinda also liquid cooled. Oil! My car has a front mounted oil cooler, takes 10 liters on a fill and has a capacity of 14 liters if I recal correctly.
Brad Penn too but it’s harder to find. I previously used Brad Penn in my 911 but switched to VR1 which is cheaper and available at wally world here.
PS $50K in ‘79! Baller!
Really great car, decent condition, shit paint job, stupid price
When I was in high school my parents had that model Stanza in silver with a stick. It was the fastest car in the world.
I think acceptability/coolness increases with the vehicle in question’s lowbrowyness; the more high end the vehicle the douchier the wearing of the clothes, the lowbrowier the vehicle the cooler (and less douchier) the wearing of the clothes.
I came here to post how fn heinous this abomination is. But EVERYONE beat me too it... But I’ll post it anyway due to the supreme heinousness.
That is correct.
One day we were headed home from Mt. Baker and were less than a minute out of the parking lot when some dumbasses passed us (if you know this road you are probably already scratching your head). Less than a minute later we came upon said dumbarsess who had freshly stuffed their car into the snow. We honked and waved…
If you are joking I am 100% deadly fucking serious. I want that shirt by this afternoon or else.
I want one even more now.
Just as god intended.