It’s the same reason Robinson Cano is no longer a Yankee and Dustin Pedroia got paid. Cano “made it look easy and effortless” while Pedroia is “gritty and a grinder.” Code words will always be in place when it comes to accolades.
It’s the same reason Robinson Cano is no longer a Yankee and Dustin Pedroia got paid. Cano “made it look easy and effortless” while Pedroia is “gritty and a grinder.” Code words will always be in place when it comes to accolades.
Welcome to Dol Amroth! We’ve got, count ‘em, TWO wizards, SWAN KNIGHTS, giant warships, palace intrigues, OLIPHAUNTS, barbarian hordes at the gate, and roughly 2 women!
Well make up your mind whether you want an Istari or Blue Wizard show. (And people womder why the budget for these things blows out).
I mean, I would watch a show about the blue wizards, but I’m not sure how many of us there are
During the War of the Ring, there are a bunch of battles and conflicts in the periphery of the central events of Frodo and Aragorn. There was a northern theater of war where the men and dwarves of Dale and Erebor fought the Easterlings and won out when they were held under seige. The elves of Lothlorien and Mirkwood…
My personal prediction would be the Fall of Arthedain, because it basically explains how the world as we see in in the LotR trilogy came into being. It tells how the North Kingdom fell, and Aragorn’s ancestors lost their crown and rule, and became wandering Rangers, how the Shire became the isolated, idyllic Hobbit…
What possible subject matter could this money be spent on putting to screen? I guess that I’m operating under the impression that it won’t be the Silmarillion, if only because I read something about it allegedly setting up the existing films. Is there anything obvious within a century prior to the Hobbit or LotR?
Hear, hear! I’ve posted about my youthful obsession with KITH before (even sharing a long-winded story on the old forum that ends in Paul Bellini calling me at home as a teenager because he confused me for someone else). But I have to chime in to echo your sentiments because Scott Thompson is an unheralded icon in my…
One hundred percent agree. Scott was definitely the first openly gay man I can remember.
Scott Thomas on KiTH was probably my introduction to gay culture and gay people in general. I’m sure I was somewhat aware of gayness through Elton John and Little Richard, but had never heard anyone openly talk about being gay until he did through Buddy and his solo monologues.
Yah. Kids had a great gay voice that normalized a lot of that culture by making it just more stuff to goof the skit about what to do if attacked by bears or the blowjob fairy know, RUNNING FAGGOT. It was so inclusive, just a bunch of friends who didn’t stop giving each other shit just because the…
Hear hear. I’m a straight guy who grew up in the homophobic suburbs, and Buddy Cole was probably my first (knowing) introduction to a a real, honest-to-God gay person. I was too young to fully get the humor of it (I favored the KITH’s absurdities--the poachers hunting businessmen, the head-squisher, the Eradicator,…
My first instinct was to say, “How the hell would Scott Thompson not immediately come across as gay, even if he were still in the closet?”
while I love Butterick Cole and Cathy the secretary, my favorite Scott Thompson bit has to be HM The Queen:
Not gay so maybe my take on this is less than needed but always felt Scott Thompson and Amanda Bearse(Marcy from Married with Children) get short changed in the gay history of television(GHT). They were out way before the late nineties when I seem to remember stars coming out being a big deal.
Get off my back!
Damn straight, and I had the pegged jeans and Champion sweatshirts with turtlenecks underneath to prove it.
Shame on this writers part for not mentioning Rome instead of their wasted roles in Game of Thrones.
I’m apalled that an article mentioning Ciarin Hinds and Tobias Menzies working together doesn’t cite their previous brilliant work as Caesar and Brutus in ‘Rome’.
i’m not as old as you, just in the early 1/4 of the millenial generation, but frankly i feel like it needs to end. a new philosophy of earnestness needs to replace the hopeless apathy that follows from postmodern thought. that shit is poison, i’ve spent more than enough time personally drowning in it. i see it all…