Another Broken Lizard thing: The only time I laughed during Club Dread was near the very end, when our attractive, playing-it-straight Final Girl jumps off a cliff into the ocean, only to emerge with an award-worthy “MY ASSHOLE!”
Another Broken Lizard thing: The only time I laughed during Club Dread was near the very end, when our attractive, playing-it-straight Final Girl jumps off a cliff into the ocean, only to emerge with an award-worthy “MY ASSHOLE!”
Hot Rod does not work as a real movie with a real story, but it has multiple great gags. The Will Arnett “Babe!” scene alone!
The UCB movie Freak Dance is silly and shapeless and the dancing intro scene is pretty impressive, but the gag that has stuck in my head is the following exchange:
You might be old. I might be old. But Star Trek is definitely old. I love it to death—TNG was my gateway—but it suffers the same challenges that Superman does. Its do-gooderism is viewed by the monied decision-makers as out of step and trite, and while there are no doubt millions of fans starved for humanist Trek ,…
“I’ma get some Ketracel-white hittin’ Jem’Hadar who’ll go to work on the homes here, with a tricorder and a cutter beam. You hear me talkin’, terraformer boy? I ain’t through with you by a damn sight. I’ma get 21st-century on your ass.”
“I do not understand the inscription upon this wallet. Does it refer to one who fucks bad mothers, a bad mother who fucks, or one that fucks mothers badly?”
No Maritimes isn’t very surprising, but no Montreal? That’s just weird.
Yep. Hot sauces, IPAs and hot mustards have ceased being enjoyable in their own right, having become instead an escalating series of dares.
You’re putting considerable effort into not getting my point. Imagine if the only Irish character on television was a drunken priest, or if the only French character was an obnoxiously rude artiste, or if the only black character was Stepin Fetchit. Imagine if “Thank you, come again” was your “Yessa Massa.”
This glosses over the important distinction that for decades Apu was the only notable South Asian representation on television.
I regret to inform you that french fries are ballast, and you do not need to eat them. What you enjoy is salt.
The choice really only ever comes down to mustard, hot sauce, or salsa. I think mustard wins because people immediately think of sandwiches, but once you get out of the deli it should be (hot) salsa all the time.
Without spoilers, it’s clear that that adaptation positions Tuunbaq as a guardian—of nature, of Inuit culture, perhaps of The Passage itself--and it works for the most part.
Most pizza chain pizza is garbage, but you’re right—ours suck too.
I spaced on Kroll Show--those guys did their homework.
I agree, which is I why I excluded it—but after that, what’s left? Unless you’re going to get a little more vicious—make fun of our empty-suited leader, our smug hypocrisy, our wannabeism—it’s like making fun of mayonnaise, or the colour beige.
MST3k gets amnesty. Minnesotans are Canadian anyway, they just don’t know it yet.
The embrace of Canuck jokes by HIMYM was a little novel for a major network sitcom character, but I’ll be damned if I can understand why any other professional comic thinks it’s worth going back to that well. At this point everything was pretty much done by Bob & Doug, and anything else is either too arcane to be…
Once I ate an olive thinking it was a grape.
Thing is, the post-modern ouroboros has to aim precisely, otherwise it just ends up with its head up its ass.