“The executive order talks about giving preference to Christians”
This probably has more to do with the fact that concealed carry permits are issued by a government office and involve background checks and rigorous proof of identity and residence, while college IDs are printed on-site by student workers with little documentation or investigation of any sort.
“country” court house
No manufacturer will touch this, the legal liability is too great right now.
His name is Pang, he lives in Seattle, high probably that he’s a smart guy that just grew up in a non-english country.
Discount code not working for the DBPOWER binoculars
Discount code not working for the DBPOWER binoculars
Does anyone know if the Harmony remote will work with the Vizio sound system listed and a Roku 3600 stick?
Does anyone know if the Harmony remote will work with the Vizio sound system listed and a Roku 3600 stick?