Ish Iribe

Had it working then it crashed my pc! I was playing with a controller then used my mouse and it started to stop all inputs from mouse and controller. Weird beeping and forced me to reboot, then tried again and same thing! Then couldn’t login to servers. “Sarcastically” Never seen a game mess me up so bad. I had to

When are they allowing us to go wireless with XBone. I like the feel and wasn't it going to have more features from the 360? I feel it is made for adult hands, while 360 my kids can us it better. I don't plan on getting a Xbox One, but wanted a new controller for my PC. Also the Steam should enable controller support

I upgraded my laptop to a 500 gb ssd and can't run DAI anymore. I updated all of my drivers and researched every possible patch/fix but no success. Hopefully this patch will work today. Any one else have issues with it starting then quitting in full screen mode? I have a Cyberpower Fang GTX 880m laptop with intel 4810

I saw this and the only thing that came to my mind was that this game is still broken.

I am not saying this game won't be fun for a minute. But the games I gave as an example were fun. but where fun for a short time. Like the demos. Rage was fun but had no depth. An Alpha is a prebuild or a demo of some of there good levels right?

It looks like another game that is over hyped and isn't really good??? Like what were those other games with good graphics but would be in the sale bin for $5 for Black friday and would lose all of their multiplayer players when the next Modern Warfare came out?

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 might be the most high-profile game dropping this week, but that doesn't me the next seven days aren't full of smaller gems. It just means Spider-Man gets to be in the top image.

When I hear or read things about graphics I think about my kids. Gaming graphics are going to be different on every console or pc and will be different on whatever brand tv you have. But experience will be different depending who you are with and what you expect. I recently got a Wii u for my kids and I have most

I just went through my first experience building a PC. I went with all MSI parts and a AMD FX 8150 cpu with a Galaxy GTX 680 video card. My MSI parts ie the motherboard and MSI Interceptor Case broke(the power button would get stuck and when they sent a replacement they sent a broke top piece as a fix by that time I

That is not alot of TFLOPS compared to the NVIDIA GTX 680 which is running at 3.1 TFLOPSand the GTX 580 clocks in at 1.6. Thats not even talking about other video cards like the NVIDIA TITAN or GTX 780. I think it's not that much of a leap. I have a AMD FX 8 core with a 680 and I think I will sit this console war

Is this uniform what I think it is?

No girls, no console, no real innovation, no hispanics, no happy meals... wait I don't have a long attention span but Sony has come a long way from being just Japanese suits. Wasn't there a story in Kotaku about how Tokyo employees made up most of the staff. Sorry not a big leap but maybe didn't care for the PS4. Fix

I am doing this now at home I have my PC running in my living room with wireless keyboard and mouse. I have a 680 GTx on my HD tv and been loving it. I got rid of cable and stream my tv shows.