“You Can Watch Esports In VR Now, But Why Would You?”
Because you own a VR headset and want to watch e-sports? I don’t think that’s much of a stretch?
“You Can Watch Esports In VR Now, But Why Would You?”
Because you own a VR headset and want to watch e-sports? I don’t think that’s much of a stretch?
I don’t read Breitbart. Sorry if you do. Also, please quit this stupid “they’re doing it, so I’m going to do it” shit too. If you want to claim to be the better party and better half, then act like it. Otherwise you’re exactly what those of us watching in the middle have said for years that you are - no different than…
Can’t even rocket jump, real bad character.
TERA always had controller settings, pretty sure you could fully customize the button layout to whatever you wanted.
The original Ghost in the Shell voice actors will be once again reprising their roles in the upcoming Hollywood…
Shut the fuck up Ivan.
Good idea. Im sure thats a new idea they’ve not thought of previously.
Let them sit in their darkened cave until they want to come out.
This would still sell on AutoTrader for $35k.
Every time this happens, I’m fascinated and confused.
So like Breitbart and Fox News?
There’s no safe spaces anymore snowflake.
You changed my mind. Trump is not fucked up, is he?
I did...let’s just say it’s the kind of mistake you only make once! :)
Hopefully if the Democrats get their shit together she won’t.
I blame the Democrats for nominating the least electable major party nominee in history.
About 3000 coins.