Ishikawa - Section 9

I think Sanderson did a good job with Jordan’s work. I don’t like that ending all that much, but I don’t blame Sanderson for that. Jordan came up with the ending. Sanderson just wrote out what Jordan outlined. Plus, personally, I find Sanderson to be the better author than Jordan. Frankly, I think he’s better than

Nah you don’t those guys are just monsters at the game. There is good then there is those guys.

Now this is how you cosplay. Not Jessica Nigri’s excuse of a cosplay.

Huh, I and many people have thought that season 1 is incredibly faithful to the book

As someone who started reading the series 15ish years ago and has read them all a couple times, I might get crucified for saying this:

Your company is called Gawker, and you constantly cross-post articles across the various URLs. To me, Deadspin/Jezebel/Jalopnik/Gawker are simply URLs part of the Gawker company. So my comment is that seemingly every URL part of the Gawker network seemed to go bonkers with excitement over the mediocre Ghostbusters

After all the torture George RR Martin has put fans through, it would be amazing if there was suddenly a sci-fi twist. A huge battle and then mechs start dropping in from orbit or something.

Which of the 1000 configurations of soundblaster do you have? Chose wisely because while the right answer brings sweet, sweet voices and sound effects, the wrong answer defaults you to midi if your lucky and gives you silence if you aren't.

The Kuruma is better suited to take bullets. That damned huge windscreen blows up too easily on the Insurgent. Because cocaine dealers will be toting shotguns and will try to shoot at your face head-on.

The tumbler was dumb. Fight me.

Or give him the freedom to choose his bike, because ‘Murica.

You can train someone how to fight, but no amount of training will give them the will to fight. Iraq/Syria are fractured entities of warring sects/tribes with little national identity. Trying to organize these groups into an effective, cohesive, and collective force, is damn near impossible. This is one of the reasons

If someone is doing 120mph in traffic and causes an accident, they should be held responsible.

You say that like you can’t just go and sell the Taco for 97% of what you paid for it ;)

Jeep is the biggest tease in the automotive industry.

This will be a tough challenge, citizen. On one robotic hand, people watched her streams because of the sex appeal she has, the main selling point of watching her streams, much like people enjoyed watching me get blown to pieces by small arms fire.

Very true. And those tanks are only a percentage of the ground targets the A-10 is there to destroy/damage/suppress.

Your key word is “idea”...they can be truly amazing in heads and on paper. But give other humans a crack at them and we find ourselves in the routine mess. (And even the original conceptualist tends to get sucked in after the concept is torn apart by the powers that be).

To be fair, the Gulf War retrospectives lasted as long as the actual war.

The problem is when the F-22 was canceled by SECDEF Gates, that program, too, was facing a myriad of issues. In fact, I distinctly remember the sentiment being almost as negative towards the F-22 platform at the time because of these continuing issues.