Ishikawa - Section 9

B, I was over in Iraq in 2003 and had a rough time getting back in the swing of things when I got back home: used to scout for people on rooftops and garbage day used to freak me out (for those of you who don't know, insurgents LOVE hiding IEDs in piles of trash on the sides of roads). Since then, I established

Wow. That bear needs to learn to paws for oncoming traffic.

Sorry, I was busy playing Civilization V at 1440p while downloading custom maps for CS:GO and an HD texture pack for Skyrim.

If Hasbro were smart, they'd latch onto the whole MOBA/DOTA-clone rage and make a GI Joe MOBA. This IP was practically made for the genre: countless heroes, heaps of nameless minions, varying types of attacks, special vehicle abilities, etc.

He means "stale" as in "requires skill, unlike CoD". Hard games are not cool anymore.

You know the cars. You know they also built awsome "flip cars. "You also know they use those, and that's a good thing. You even know when the next episode will strike, with Jason Statham bringing more dudely muscle into the picture. So, what else?

No i get it, something that sticks out from the side of the car, in a conspicuous way, that has a lighted blinker on it....

U.S. standards for AWESOME maybe.

Let's be frank here, butthurt folks.