
No, because like every fucking ToO week, it’s filled with try-hard snipers.

Missed dye opportunity.

That’s obsession. I’ve got 200 hours, and I’ve done everything in the game well before that.

I'm stoked my copy is arriving tomorrow.

Ugh, this is just another reason why gun ownership should be a fucking privilege, not a right.

The real question: is it April or August?

The VR looked awful, clunky, and on rails.

I imagine overseas audiences may take a stronger liking to that little add on.

The Last of Us meets Left 4 Dead.

After seeing the trailer. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

There's a body of evidence that suggests otherwise.

A double warning? Better than a double rainbow I suppose.

Why isn’t there a feature where you type your language, and on the viewers end it translates it into their preferred language?

I actually like it, yet they found a way to make the cosmetic grindy.

If the scale isn't using a full size MF Lego model, I'm not impressed.

False. I played Destiny without issue, over LTE, with my Vita in Califnornia, while my PS4 was at home in WA.

The title gif screams generic 90s alternative lifestyle movie poster.

Because most Americans are spicephobic.

It’s like I’m watching one of those identity theft commercials, where the actors face doesn’t match the voice.

Hey, look on the bright side, your star stuff has seen some cool shit, like Three Mile Island, and Chernobyl.