

A card might encourage them to spend money on something they had been thinking of, but would't spend their own cash on. Cash is fine, but it will probably go towards energy drinks, hot pockets, and regret. Those are all well and fine, but for a holiday gift, I would imagine being forced to buy something through an

Cool story bro, but statistical evidence shows otherwise.

The Wii U feels, increasingly, like a half-step before Nintendo can make a portable machine that can output console-quality graphics when plugged into a TV without needing to be plugged into a wall.

Games do not influence the motivation, though they do influence ones desensitization to depictions of violence, as well as lower empathy (Anderson, 2004; Irwin & Gross, 1995). Video games are a participatory behavior, and also encode learned behaviors more efficiently; in this instance, violence desensitization is

This is a smart move by Microsoft. Leave enough ambiguity to blame someone else for their problems, like God.

Reminds me of KSP, not so much with the SP, but with the K part, where K means Killeveryoneinsightwithsuperhilariousawkwardphysicshappenings.

Jason Schreier is all about the triple D's

This song was made, solely in preparation for this.

Be honest with me, people.

Dog goes Woof...


When I worked at GameStop we'd eventually get the disgusting person. They'd bring in a Ps2 or GameCube, and in the bag dead roaches or droppings would follow. I'd immediately wrap it up and tell them I won't take it. You would think that would be the end of the conversation, nope!

My Vita is great. I don't play it (along with my consoles) because of school, but I'm slowly amassing a library of games for my winter session off.

I don't get it. Is it some knock at both? The 360 for having a lower resolution, but the PS4 for having a slower frame rate? tl;dr IDGI.

As many have already expressed their frustration about, I don't think this was the right angle to take. We already know that Riley and Ellie will get bit, and we know Riley will turn, and Ellie will have to kill Riley in the end.

Extremely easy, and rewarding to play on the piano. Such a lovely tune to sit and just play with your eyes closed.

Big deal? No. Worthwhile information? Yes. Sony gets a checkmark for allowing the PS4 to have a swappable drive. However, a lot of my ire is drawn towards their proprietary memory for handheld devices.

They've been in the hardware game for 33 years, so I'm not sure what you're running on. If we're talking gaming console, Sony has a leg up from 1994 to 2001. The only advantage Sony has, is that it can pool innovations from other branches within itself, to utilize in their gaming devices.