
PC master race reporting...

And this, people, is where halitosis comes from*

Part of me wishes this campaign included the insinuation that your (parents') children will become veritable Lanzas, if permitted to play M-rated games before a certain age. Although this is wholly untrue, the misanthrope in me is so jaded from working GameStop retail. Countless parents wouldn't pay any mind to the

Mouse trap on the ears, or anywhere in general isn't funny at all. In fact, the only thing fun about it is that the friend / spouse / partner conducting the act gets to be labeled a cunt—a pejorative reserved for those especially ill intentioned persons.

Oh good, another version Mojang will build, then forget about. Multiplayer aside, I can't fathom why anyone would play MC on another platform aside from PC. It really must be kids, because most adults (I would think) wouldn't settle for adequacy.

Now you know how Mac users feel! :)

You're right. That's what I do, I just was imagining it different in my mind.

I say find a mine, sure you can start doing your own thing too, but mine shafts are going to leave exposed ores along the surface walls. With that said, if you familiarize yourself with the layers, you can mine anywhere and start strip mining for maximum ore collection.

Do a different quest? Take the long path? If all else fails, hearth? Unless someone was raiding ally / horde territory, which occurs infrequently. You must only have played once a week to quit at such a low level, and have been doing something extremely specific with that limited time, where you were forced into PVP

Being ganked in WoW isn't an example of griefing. It's PVP, you knowingly enter the game / server / land based on the possibility of such events. Griefing is best exemplified in world builders, not PVP MMOs. Minecraft is great, because you CAN PVP, but many servers are set up with the objective of cooperative

They should let you change the song, or use your own songs. I'll purposefully die and restart if I get stuck with one of the three or so songs. Which is often.

I got a pair of PS Vita headphones that aren't bad. What's even better is the "L" and "R" on the headphones are color coded, where "R" is a glossy metallic red, and "L" is chrome.

My Apple TV is $99 and has YouTube. If I really wanted, my iOS devices can stream the YouTube app too, I guess.

Maybe they'll include the ability TO FUCKING PLAY INVERTED.

Don't listen to the nay-sayers. I'm right with you, I refuse to buy one until a 2nd circle pad is implemented on the hardware itself. I was absolutely baffled when Nintendo made a CPP for the 3DS XL.

Why wait to play War Logs on Mars, when a healthy serving of Taco Bell lets you play it right at home?

With the PS4, a new CoD, and possible Halo or other major IP releases slated for holiday, Capcom is making the right move releasing in the summer. The game would easily be overlooked if done later in the year. It's only competition is The Last of Us, an that's only for their share of PS3 adopters, XBOX has nothing

Oh no, I'm a nerd! (Wait, what?) I'm not sure what you aimed at accomplishing with that insult? Does being a nerd even have any stigma anymore? I thought that's what hipsters and musicians strived for now?

No, I tie getting high, while playing CoD, while being unemployed or underemployed with that. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I have no problem with each of those things separately.

My money is on a graphic novel, perhaps tying events between III and what will inevitably become IV. It wouldn't be the first time a company used a medium other than video games to segway into another title.