
Red Faction on the PS2 had overwhelming potential, and over the years it was squandered. Partnering with SyFy in the script was the final nail in the coffin for the series. It is unfortunate, because the weapons in each iteration kept getting better and better. I hope the RF IP gets bought and given a much needed

Cool, and this is a gaming console. Your shitty Hewlett Packard likely couldn't play N64 titles either. The point is that this is an open source platform, aggressively priced, and exceptionally bold in its completely different business model than the big three.

I never got to play the game on the PS3 (I had to watch my friend do it after I purchased it), because there is no option in the settings for inverted style players.

I had several rebuttals to points made in the text, but seing as how many of them have already been addressed, I'll just close with the following:

Then perhaps regulate it in others ways.

It's not the first, and certainly not the last time I will read / hear those words coming from another.

I got a chuckle.

They could have *somehow* used the Sony PS3 FFVII concept video, that wasn't pre-rendered, no?

The week before Christmas will mark a total shitstorm. Stores will be out of inventory, and last minute parents, with deep pockets, and spoiled children will pay the price.

Ishbar add me!

It's that the Wii U only has one demo.

Don't forget the cradle and charge stand too, and the novelty of it being black.

Shh, they're the beta, gamma, delta.

It's the proverbial equivalent of typing "Alkehol."


Seriously dude?

Yay, the end to homo homo sapien autonomy happens on my birthday!

Cayenne Porsche = ~63^2 ft. —> 63 x $500.00 = $31,500; MSRP = ~$100,000 (High End)

You forget the majority of CoD players are 15 years or younger in age, therefore they badger their parents into buying them multiplayer content, so they can play the same maps as the rest of their spoiled little friends.

If I were his neighbor, I'd be very concerned..