
This car wasn’t designed for old white men though, that’s the stereotype, But this thing will be a drivers car through and through. Like how a Miata is a driver’s car, but also a hair dressers. The $60,000 base model is going to be an absolute weapon. That cabin is designed to suit the driver. A passenger doesn’t need

Leave it to Jalopnik to cry out for buttons when their isnt any, and explode when theres too many... w/e

Hard to get worse

because nintendo fans are anime/children and sony gamers are adults. Banjo in smash OH MY GOD! Etc. I own both BTW i’m into more single player epic adventures or rpgs. So i’m waiting for the next mario or zelda the rest is kinda eh.

Now compare that to the Equinox which easily costs over $5k more and still sold over 332k units last year. Cars are down, everyone wants SUV’s and trucks right now. Cars have been on a downward trend for years.

It’s debatable whether it would give them better health care. $$ talks. If you’ve got a sweet plan like they do, then you’ll usually get better care. And the workers and the company will still be paying for it. Instead of paying it to a private insurance company, they’ll be paying it in the form of taxes. 

“American auto companies were built on their workers”

UAW wages & benefits are not sustainable.

I’m truly sympathetic to the wants and needs of the autoworkers, but what do they want GM to do? The Cruze was definitely not a winner, “unallocating” Lordstown was a shrewd business move. GM seems to be actively preparing for a shift in the auto industry and economy and trying to get ahead of the curve, but fuck them

Or, “fuck the UAW” to be extreme in the other direction- GM paying well over the 75th percentile for semi-skilled labor, paying well more for benefits premiums than even what “good benefits”-offering companies offer, among other things.

Your hypothetical situation, which doesnt exist in US auto manufacturing is not really an arguement...

Oh Id further add, that World Class ultra low co-pay health care, and in terms of GM’s case, the highest per hourly rate for workers in the manufacturing sector (sans-temps) in the world, combined with guarenteed bonuses at the rate of $1k per billion GM makes in profit for benefits sharing, and Id say your argument

Exactly. Union workers just think that because they are in a union, they are entitled to max benefits with no effort. 90% of union workers that I know are lazy AF while on the 7:30-3:30 grind ( coffee/cigarette breaks, lunch, and gearing up, clean up time included).

The economy is not a charity organization. See Russia if you think thats a cool plan. Stay educated.

The GM workers do need some kind of dose of reality. For example, maybe an education on what other Fortune 500 company employees pay for healthcare. It’s not pretty...and it has gone up steeply, especially in the past 5-7 years.

I’ve said this before, but one of my favorite things about Jalopnik are the folks from industry who actually know about these things and take the time to explain them to us civilians. That is all really interesting, and I appreciate you writing that up...I didn’t know about any of that. 

As SXRguyinMA said, that’s turbo whistle, not supercharger whine.

Dude there are like 5 of these cars ever driving at the same time around the world... and not for many miles either, much fewer than Matt put on for his review.

Alanis, I really think the “blah” you talk about is entirely in the mind of the beholder. Cadillac’s cars aren’t just decent, they are really good. Jalopnik, for example, agreed with the rest of the auto media that the ATS was as good as the 3 series. And they look really good (yes, that’s subjective, of course, but

Not to mention the fact that he’s an ex-Mercedes dealer tech. So while he’s not specifically a BMW expert, he’s a hell of a lot more knowledgeable, and better equipped with tools/lifts/etc. than pretty much any average Joe Shadetree.