I made the mistake of looking at the comments on the Gawker article for Nancy’s death and the consensus seemed to be joy in her passing. Most seemed to be angry with her husband for inventing AIDS.
I made the mistake of looking at the comments on the Gawker article for Nancy’s death and the consensus seemed to be joy in her passing. Most seemed to be angry with her husband for inventing AIDS.
I know NK is a notoriously hard place to collect intel on but I find it hard to believe we wouldn’t have known they’ve reached this level of miniaturization. I’m guessing this is a mockup and nothing else.
I was actually thinking the opposite. An Alpha based XT3 would make more sense for 2 reasons. 1) Smaller crossover buyers seem more interested in driving dynamics and 2) Alpha can’t be stretched any further than the current CTS, which is why they needed to create Omega for the CT6 (maybe an Omega based XT7?). Anyway,…
I don’t think you know what you are talking about. This GKN Twinster system is superior to almost any AWD system besides Quattro and Subbie’s S-AWD. Having a longitudinal layout means nothing other than better weight distribution. xDrive in the crossover applications is just a wet clutch at the back of the trans…
I agree with everything you said until about half way through. Anyway, this thing will sell like hotcakes.
I should have elaborated a bit more. Its not that I’ve seen it happen that much more with black girls its just that they seem to be the ones that don’t know what they’re doing is wrong. Most of the time I’m stuck behind a slow left laner if I get a little closer to them or hug the shoulder and flash my left blinker…
Yea I guess I should have wrote 96 as that’s the worst stretch of the trip for this type of behavior. I’ve never driven that stretch of 94 before but I wouldn’t doubt it. 94 close to me (near M-59) is actually pretty fast. Even the people in the right lanes go above the speed limit most of the time.
Thank God. My drive to school from Clinton Township to East Lansing on 696 is almost unbearable due to the left lane hogs. I’m probably going to get shit for posting this but in *my experience* they’re mostly black women. I blame the drivers education teachers for barely even mentioning the proper use of passing lanes.
How have you been spending your vacation?
Some former intel guys I follow on Twitter have been talking about an AC-130 being involved. Makes sense given the kill count. In any case, great job all around.
The C7 Z06 beats the C6 ZR1 in every performance metric besides straight line acceleration after 120mph. It's simply a matter of the aero features making more downforce (and drag) at those speeds.
They are identical, and happen to be the lightest wheels that were available on any C6 variant so this is actually a good thing.
Wrong. MRC started development in 1997 when Delphi was still DAS. It used sensor tech that Lotus developed while still owned by GM and they retained ownership of the patents. When Delphi got split off they were still using GM patents for the control and sensor systems. The fluid itself was developed by the Lord…
Perhaps, but GM invented the technology and when they split off Delphi retained the rights to it even when Delphi sold it to BWI. Even today any OEM that uses MRC pays GM a royalty. Thus, it's cheaper for GM to add to its vehicles than other manufacturers. I can't see the margins on midsize sedans justifying the use…
I'm pretty sure this system is valve actuated. Same idea as MRC but much cheaper.
Yup, no problems with MRC so far. My Z06 sees a lot of track use too, seems to handle it well.
Ahh gotcha. I thought you were under the impression that Quattro was superior to xDrive or the Cadillac setup in the dry, my mistake.
It comes packaged with the rear wheel steering so it's kind of a pseudo sport package. I've have 4 cars with MRC and it's hard to go without after driving them. I had a ATS 2.0 without it and now an ATS-V and its night and day. On the shitty southeastern Michigan roads I drive on the V is actually more comfortable…
AWD is standard on both V6's and not available for the I4.
I agree with your first part but making an exception for Quattro makes absolutely no sense.