They benchmarked the best aspects of the Mustang design. Mainly the ease of flying, high maneuverability, high thrust to weight ratio, and most importantly the great visibility.
They benchmarked the best aspects of the Mustang design. Mainly the ease of flying, high maneuverability, high thrust to weight ratio, and most importantly the great visibility.
I’m disappointed that its not on Alpha too but no one in this segment buys these things for driving dynamics. I’ve driven a friends X3 and if I hadn’t already known better I would have guessed it was a transverse mounted engine, hardly a “driver’s” car by anyone’s definition. Plus, this will have the same torque…
Where’s Damasconian oops sorry “ILoveToDrive” to tell us that the pickup driver was just jealous because he can’t afford a BMW and that the Bimmer driver was completely in the right
I’m pretty sure one of the DJ versions was at a party I went to at school (Michigan State). I was far from sober but I think they put on a good show from what I remember.
Well aware. You do realize you’re comparing 2 seat sports cars to four seat muscle cars? I don’t think it takes a brain surgeon to figure out why sub 3,000lbs sports cars built around sub 200hp inline and flat four’s have different dimensions (and beltlines) than 4 seat muscle cars built around 60° V6’s and 90° V8’s…
“Your eyes can deceive you; don’t trust them.” - Obi-Wan Kenobi
No, hes arguing that you’re an idiot.
It's not very often that being fluent in Deutsch comes in handy. This is one of those times.
I’d posit that filing a meritless racial discrimination lawsuit only to lose and end up paying for the opposing counsel is a very “black” thing to do. That said, the rest of your post is spot on.
Congratulations, you have just won the award for stupidest comment of the day. To claim your prize hit WinKey, right arrow, then enter. No purchase necessary. Many will enter, few will win.
Too bad in this case “never change” means that FCA ceases to exist. They cannot survive on their own long-term and he knows that. The guy isn’t as dumb as he sounds.
Wow. This was the “blackest” thing she did the whole time. I feel like I’m watching a very slow train wreck and I welcome the sight of the caboose going over the edge. This person is such a self entitled POS I just want to be done seeing her face.
He’s dead. Check out your boy Malcolm Nance’s twitter feed, he retweeted a Libyan HR activists tweet of his dead body and disfigured face (even more so than usual). Certainly looks like him to me.
Literally the poster child of BMW douchebaggery. Anything negative post or comment on a BMW and his response is “You don’t like it cuz’ you can’t afford it.” LOL I’ve had some fun interactions with him in the past. You’d think with all his supposed wealth he would have bought a digital gauge right off the bat, or paid…
In case these do get deleted let me document a verse from the second vid: “Baby you are as sexy as you wanna be... the ass is astronomical; your breasts are so phenomenal; your legs are the sensual bridges to heaven, the sweetest va jay jay more cosmic than the milky way” You cannot make this shit up.
What the actual fuck. If that's “him” singing he isn’t half bad but seriously this shit is getting too bizarre.
Its the internet sweetheart... I can say whatever I want just like people can pick their gender and racial identity. Assuming this woman lives her life according to some form of logic, what else could motivate someone to make-up their race other than providing some sort of benefit? Unfortunately, socioeconomically…
The best part about the joke is that the guy who put Raphael on blast for his “poorly researched post” changed his kinja name and avatar. He has an orange M4 and also hails from Texas... Coincidence? Maybe, but I’d like to think he was the analog gauge user and “a mistake was made” victim.…