so everyone exclaims believe the accuser until its convenient for them not to.
so everyone exclaims believe the accuser until its convenient for them not to.
Im generally against term limits for elected officials but the Centrist Villagers that staff all our tv/media positions should be rotated out of the decadent capital every 5 years or so. This is a truly unhinged take from Matthews.
LOL get bent dipshit
She lived with her parents, and they were Applebee’s people. You haven’t lived until you’ve been 36 years old, with a 30-year-old girlfriend, on a Saturday night, eating Applebee’s happy hour appetizers with her mom and dad.
It’s just completely wrong.
Not incorrect wrong.
Irrelevant wrong, because of the scale.
That source that you mentioned is not for extremely important surveys meant to provide detailed, state-by-state, county-by-county, city-by-city data.
A warehouse paying what’s probably still less than a living wage isn’t actually anything to brag about.
It’s occurred to me before that people who claim fast food jobs shouldn’t pay a living wage because people aren’t supposed to stay in them forever are often the same people who complain about high turnover.
We’re having pasta alfredo tonight only because I found a jar on the Pulix clearance rack, a pack of the fancy fettuccine I got at Big Lots, and I have some good parm and leftover shrimp and salad fixins and I don’t want to put real clothes on to visit a restaurant. I would also never put real clothes on and go to an…
Utter bull. The map is NOT the terrain.
As others have pointed out: if you aren’t finding qualified candidates you: a) aren’t paying enough, b) suck at marketing for the position, c) hung up on educational requirements, or d) are unwilling to train a person for the position.
I constantly see people reference the “very good economy” for why labor is hard to come by. What percentage decrease in unemployment have we seen over the past few years compared to a longer time period of say 5 years plus?
Seems odd that we all of a sudden hit such a critical point and nobody can find employees?
See that’s the problem, you try WAY too hard. It’s embarrassing.
Thank you. The popularity of the “You once did something bad, therefore you can never ever criticize it again for the rest of your existence” gets so damn old — especially when those attempting it rarely actually give a shit about hypocrisy unless/until they can wield it as a cudgel.
You know what usually happens at full employment? Wages start to rise as companies compete over workers. If you can’t get workers, raise the pay. If a local warehouse can get workers for $13 an hour, then the local Wendy’s can, too.
Yeah, that debacle cemented my hate for Thiel and my loyalty to the writers of Gawker et al.
why do you talk like this in 2019?
‘Crush it to reassert my dominance’ is the most tone-deaf I-just-did-a-gram-of-coke-in-the-bathroom statement one could have made. It sounds desperate and sad.
“We’re sorry, this is America. We can’t hire recovering addicts, because then we’d be contributing to a system in which recovery is encouraged.”
“You see, I don’t want to damn junkies working here, I don’t care how long they have been clean. And for some reason, everyone else thinks they need to be treated with respect, given predicable hours, or decent pay. There’s nothing I can do.”