I kind of love you for this.
I kind of love you for this.
I was sad to hear in entertainment news that The Bandit passed away today.
Do people really think it was her? I don’t think that op-ed had anything plagiarized from Michelle Obama, did it?
Girl, no duh. We know you don’t care about tax breaks and putting immigrant children in concentration camps, and that op ed writer loved those things.
She’s not a great person if you know anything about her. It didn’t even sound like she knew what she was campaigning for.
Owning her mistakes? “I didn’t have enough money, and the people working for me sucked.” Not exactly what I'd call owning it.
Ethan’s other piece said she was driving around in a Porsche and Challenger to speak to constituents in what commenters said was a predominantly blue-collared county.
Try putting some bees in there. Or a wasp nest or something.
It’s a minor detail, but I appreciate that the zipper on her outfit is actually zipped all the way up instead of existing solely to be zipped down all the time to expose her cleavage.
Gwyneth: “I think I have $145k in the couch cushions...”
I feel as though 145k is not nearly enough. It’s a paltry sum for hawking bullshit. In fact, one might even call it Paltr-ow-y.
So estimated revenue is $45 million annually. They pay $145,000. I can’t imagine why we have these woo peddlers with such strict supervision from the government.
Shoving rocks in my vagina won’t cure my depression??
This is what happens when people who say they care about these things both run for office and also actually show up to vote. Onward to November, when I really hope people understand that voting is really fucking important.
Pretty much my entire adult life, I’ve been hearing about how leftists are “too extremists”, and how they need to “tone it down”, and “woo the centrists” and assorted other bullshit.
Do you think the Democratic Party will finally start to appreciate African-American women, who are the base of the party? Or start to realize they don’t need to be the Republican Lite party to win?
what the Washington Post calls the “liberal insurgency”
Kind of thought the same thing.
I can’t believe people are making fun of someone for having a regular job and for working. Most actors have to do this from time to time. Only about 1% of all people who want to be actors ever get a chance to be working actors. The rest do what they have to do to make ends meet. We expect people to be so fame hungry…