Couldn’t agree more. I’ve been to a few ‘trendy’ burger places in my life and realizing they serve ‘house-made’ ketchup is its own unique brand of disappointment. I just want ketchup. HFCS and vinegar, please.
Couldn’t agree more. I’ve been to a few ‘trendy’ burger places in my life and realizing they serve ‘house-made’ ketchup is its own unique brand of disappointment. I just want ketchup. HFCS and vinegar, please.
I’ll definitely check out the birchbark books. Thank you!
I loved those, too! but they are more kindergarten/first grade level. I remember reading the Little House books in 3rd-5th grade.
That is a great perspective, thank you!
This is definitely a good move. I was obsessed her books as a child (I went from them to Harry Potter) but looking at those books with 21st century eyes makes it clear that we shouldn’t be holding them up as something to emulate.
A-fucking-men. I have an acquaintance who will say shit that our group would not let stand coming from a straight man. But when he says it, it’s ‘cute’. fuck that. it still sucks.
YES! That was it! Thank you :)
It deserves the love - it was really funny and it had something to say.
Tried to save money by going to a local car repair place (that I didn’t know) instead of the chain place. One $40 tire rotation (that they insisted I pay in cash for...) led to the bolts shearing off one of the wheels while driving down the highway. I had to replace part of the axel and the wheel. It was over $1500…
The reception dress is GORGEOUS. What was up with the fit of the ceremony dress? Surely she did a fitting this week and the issues could have been fixed!
I wondered the same thing since the story first broke. The only thing I can figure is Trump really isn’t wealthy, and Cohen knows that, so he was able to convince her that he couldn’t afford to pay out any more. That’s my best guess.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Oh my god I love this story.
This is a serious problem. Unless I’m in a committed long term relationship, I’m not taking a guy’s word for it.
Our Sisters were supposed to live for the rest of our lives at our beloved Convent. But, against our will, the Archdiocese removed us to “monetize” our property.
Also, if you cut it in half you can set it cut-side-down on the plate, this avoiding this problem entirely.
... she runs the LGBT club at the school. I think she’s already pretty plugged in to liberal issues.
Ugh. As a child of glasses wearers, I was taught from a young age to only use your cotton t-shirt/sweater/etc for cleaning glasses. Tissues will scratch the lenses!
Everybody should go watch Healthcare Triage on YouTube for actual research-based information and advice. Dr. Aaron Carroll’s videos are interesting and have a very down to earth perspective that is refreshing. I can’t recommend him enough. His columns in the NYT are worthwhile as well.