Ah, thank you!!!
Ah, thank you!!!
This is the issue. How do we publicly shame tabloids for speculating about a person’s gender identity without also implying that being trans is something to be ashamed of? The problem is that the only way this court case could be won is if the person bringing the case is not transgender. For example, Caitlin Jenner…
I always pictured John Goodman with curly hair. This actor is also way too young.
Yeah I’m not a drinker at all so vodka is the WORST. It tastes like gasoline. I usually go for a rum and coke or a gin and tonic over anything with vodka in it. Hard cider is my other go to.
Haha well I can get on board with that :)
I’m so sorry you’re going through that. I can’t imagine having to go through it in public.
I had to look it up, too. Not a fan.
I don’t want to [bombard] Anna, but I do want them to know…anything they need from me, I’m there for them. I just love [them] both.”
Thank you all for the reassurance. I feel weird about inviting myself over because it goes against every etiquette rule there is. But you are all right - with kids involved it really makes the most sense.
Oh I love that idea! Thank you! I’ll have to suggest that.
I have a question from the other side. I have two friends with a two year old who recently moved nearby and I’d love to spend more time with them, but I’m not sure what to invite them to do. I’ve invited them over and that was fun but my house isn’t kid-proofed, so I think it might be a little stressful for them…
But there is a difference between having company protocol for such emergencies and saying to an interviewee out of the blue, ‘how would YOU handle this’?
You could do raw for the vodka. I’d cook them for the yogurt to make them more jammy. In either case, you might want to consider running the berry mixture through a sieve, as blackberries have tons of seeds.
That’s so frustrating. I’m glad other people at the park are all on the same page.
Holy shit. I remember you talking about her but I don’t remember seeing a photo. That’s awful. If she shows up again I’d call the cops.
It’s like Ben Stiller and a Ken doll had a test tube baby.
Bright orange could be a lot. What about an apricot color? I grew up in a house with an apricot living room and it totally worked. It’s definitely not on-trend, but white, grey, and beige are boring. People have become too afraid of color.
I hope not. Even if lime juice didn’t prevent browning, I’d still add it to guacamole. It’s delicious.
Right with auto-hide. As you say, the mouse spends most of the time in the center right of the screen. And I don’t like wasting vertical space.