
commenting to bump. I’ve been thinking about trying okcupid but I’m not sure I care enough to sort through the crap, you know?

I’m right there with you.

Kate McKinnon was the MVP of that movie! At the end when she does the James Bond-esque take-down of of a dozen ghosts in slow motion my jaw literally dropped. She just looked badass. Not badass ‘for a woman’ or whatever, just really freaking badass. It was AWESOME.

The book is excellent and a fairly quick read. I can’t recommend it enough. It opened my eyes to how both women and people of color were treated by the medical community historically. It’s horrifying but so important to know. The science is also fascinating.

If it was that easy and reversible? Totally. It would be super interesting to be on the other side of the sexism thing. Plus peeing standing up and without having to get totally undressed would be cool. OH - and periods SUCK so if I could get out of those that’d be cool.

I just discovered it last weekend. I’M IN LOVE (actually it’s a lot more nuanced than that).

You’re welcome! I hope you have fun!

Get breakfast at the Pancake Pantry! It’s absolutely fantastic, cheap, and a local institution. They have pancakes in every flavor imaginable. Get there early - the line goes around the block on weekends.

He’s 25 - old enough to make his own decisions. You are a grown woman. Your relationship with this former friend should have no impact on your relationship with your son’s girlfriend. Your son’s words about you seem to be pretty on point. Being mean and petty to her will only push your son away.

I’m a big fan of his. If you haven’t seen any of his stuff before I would not recommend starting with Make Happy. He is very much playing a character when he preforms. I would start with “Words Words Words” (keeping in mind he has since said he regrets his song “men & women” as well as some of the sexist or racist

I definitely had nausea for the first week or so, but then, omigod I felt like myself for the first time in about two years. I giggled again!!! Seriously, the stuff is fantastic (in my experience, anyway. As always, YMMV). I didn’t notice weight gain (mostly because I’m fairly overweight to begin with).

It was required in my school in seventh or eighth grade (I can’t remember which). I should go back to it because while I remember the feeling of reading it but I’ve since lost the details.

Huh. I lived there for three years recently and it was consistently in the seafood case at Kroger.

Yep. The grocery stores in Nashville carry alligator.

Seriously. God, my life is boring in comparison.

oooh ok I may have to watch this. Catastrophe is hilarious.

I just realized that could be read as bitchy. To be clear, I love “Girlfriends Guide to Divorce”.

This show already exists...

Seriously. There are no words for how disgusting and inexcusable that is.

Are we sure? I remember something about him an Elizabeth Olsen before and I’d believe it was her before t swift. I mean, really, taylor swift??