
is it weird that I don't really care about any of this, I'm going to get an id bracelet, that donates my body to science. The funeral business is such an extortionist industry, I would hate for my loved ones to be burdened with such an unnecessary expense.

Before everyone starts screaming back and forth about GMOs and whether they are good or bad, I think it's important to point out that that most people just want them *labeled*. We want to be able to make choices about what we are eating, full disclosure.

Ft. Myers, FYI.

That would suck to be the mom's kid. Think about it: your mom's mothering you and being all strict and making you do all your chores and at the same time she is spoiling her grandson WHO IS THE EXACT SAME AGE AS YOU rotten.

Destinee? Oh Florida

Thanks! I've never had one last for more than three days, so fingers crossed this one is similar!

Hello, frequent UTI sufferer here. This stuff SAVES MY LIFE:…

Take it and you will be feeling so much better within the hour. (Fair warning, it will turn your pee a shade of hilariously fluorescent orange. I'd recommend wearing dark underwear for a few days, ha!)

Here's the thing,

If you're that nervous about it, I say don't do it. I completely understand why you'd be tempted, but I personally couldn't be part of the sex work game because I'm too paranoid and anxious about a lot of things. Also, never work with someone who you feel is even a LITTLE bit sketchy.

I can't remember where I saw this, but I read somewhere that he is known to hang out at his old high school in Chicago and pick up teen girls. The guy is a fucking pedophile and gets away with it because he's rich and famous.

I like this guy! Just to add to the points he was making- this also has obvious financial effects as well. Women are expected to wear different and reasonably on trend clothing, shoes and makeup. Men can get by with about three suits, a couple pairs of shoes, a dozen shirts and ties for years!

This is really cool. It's nice to see a dude go to so much effort to make this kind of point, and manage to do it in an attention-getting but not chiding or shamey way. ALL THE CANDY CANES FOR YOU, KARL STEFANOVIC. YOU GO KARL STEFANOVIC.

...he simply proved something we all already know, the double standard women deal with on a day-to-day basis.

I always imagine what comes after "" to be a metaphysical ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Plot twist: he's swiping through Grindr.

Why the FUCK does Hilaria Baldwin need a toolbox to change a lightbulb? (This is a genuine question, not a set-up for a joke.)

So has everyone agreed that Nick Jonas is allowed to be A Thing again? Because, honestly, if we're going to revive forgotten teen idols, I would have voted for one of the Hanson brothers.


Except the Pope is only infallible when he speaks specifically on matters of faith. Things like anointing saints and the Immaculate Conception. This "Be nice to gay people stuff" isn't part of that.

He said an in interview that Catholic church leaders and lay people, as well as those outside the church, are reacting strongly to the Vatican meeting because they aren't accustomed to addressing issues the way Francis advocates.