I actually know a couple girls who are best friends with their moms and really idolize them. They are really good moms too not irresponsibly cool moms. I was always jealous of them.
I actually know a couple girls who are best friends with their moms and really idolize them. They are really good moms too not irresponsibly cool moms. I was always jealous of them.
I don't care if it's sponsored or the illuminati forced it on her or what, I love that she went as a big, unsexy flamin' hot cheeto. GOD. BLESS. HER. I love a sexy woman who isn't afraid to be unsexy. The "snow leopard" costume just makes me roll my eyes. I mean, yes, it's hot...we get it...you're unbearably hot. …
shes not a lesbian, she's aries - or something. That line kills me everytime. It's exactly what my clueless naani would say.
At least we are spared that "where am I" facial expression.
Oh we aren't going to show the best celeb family picture? Fine, I'll do it
I'm as confused by that as the acceptance that Rachel Zoe's friend Joey is obviously going for the sexy Native american. I'm gonna see this as an ironic oversight on the stupidity of celebrity costumes otherwise known as "Is Clover trolling us?"
Emancipated? from him parents? who are famous and well off, and have given them more than most kids have on this planet?! How on earth does he think that's going to go over? I'm so mad over here. SEETHING.
"Gang banger" costumes by office workers: racist.
Am I the only one who thinks age 12 is a couple of years too late?
Would have been better to keep the interview and make it clear she intended to ask Cosby about the rape allegations. Then let him cancel.
Mr. Rogers and Bill Nye. They are fucking saints.
Mister Rogers. I refuse to believe he's tainted.
Queen Latifah is less than a Rapist? Wow... bizarre standards.
Seriously, what does adoption have to do with biology?
I have a story about this. Back in days of yore, I used to be a middle/high school biology and chemistry teacher, and when I trained I had a couple of placements in Catholic schools. Of course one of my placements for teaching biology fell across the time in the curriculum when you have to teach The Sex, so of…
Only whores understand basic reproductive biology.
who told them that the references to birth control and abortion, without also mentioning adoption, were in violation of state law.
Well hell, this is my goddaughter's school system. Looks like somebody's getting a copy of Our Bodies, Ourselves for Christmas.
I think it just depends on the baby. We have friends that bring their kid to brunch with us all the time and he never makes a peep. Granted, we tend to schedule brunch around his nap time, but seriously, the kid sits in his chair and sleeps the whole time. There's been times I've completely forgotten he was even…