
Hmm as much of a douche as jobs can be I have to say I agree with what he says about RIM. That's not the strongest come-back I've ever heard. Atleast rubin had the balls to prove his point on twitter. This guy is just making an attempt to not make jobs' statements seem correct given RIM's current position. Rim will

@archercc: It's open before it reaches the carriers and hardware manufactuers and they muck it up. It's almost false advertising! IMO it should be referred to as "slightly cracked" open. Google should just do it themselves. They did an amazing Job with htc on n1.

I don't know how to explain it but seeing that made me feel really good. The same type of good you get when you run in to a very dear friend you haven't seen in years but treasure the glory days you shared together. Watching this made me realize how much I loved that movie and that point in time of my life.

Loyal AOL user.... eh? That's like the 5th thing that's wrong with Alex Baldwin.

Granted it's very ironic that he of all people is even saying this; but if you actually think about some of these teenage kids that are seriously addicted to World or Warcraft and many other outlets of fantasy based entertainment it quickly becomes apparent what the pope may be getting at. I can see how weaker minded

@benfreefly: i used to feel that way but once i gave it a few days it seemed to feel much more "natural" to me. though i do sometimes at certain points in games wish i had buttons or a d-pad.

Holy Shit!!! Hitler would have loved this dude!!

For some strange reason, the idea of mapping anything in type face stresses me out.

@mikegriffin: shhhhhh! he might hear you. He's like the candy man!

As someone who has always been more on the "pro life" side of the spectrum; I actually feel this is a very important and great medical advancement. I long ago realized that sins generated by another's will don't belong to me; and that if this can help prolong or enrich someones life then it's actually a blessing.

HTC definitely did a great job on the hardware. And for MSFT's sake i actually hope this works well for them.

I definitely lost a lot of respect points for him because of this.

I love my my iphone 4 and ios. But if i didn't love it as much i'd probably be rocking a droid x.

call me "crazy"!!, but the video's version of the story is much more believable.

wow! for some strange reason I find that to be a really awesome idea. A separate screen just for messaging notifications would be pretty sweet.

Fascinating, I for one believe in the "intelligent geneisis theory" of the universe and to me this kind of adds some relevance to it (Of course this is all theory). I think we are being very arrogant in assuming physical laws that apply here apply to the rest of the universe when we know so little about it. I

I don't know why, i can't seem to get into it. I like seeing really nice and amazingly clear 2d picture more at this point. Also, the price of these tv's are also not very appealing right now. It's going to take longer than these tv execs expected for buyers to buy into 3D tv.

@blackcat12: yes but mocking and poking fun at your competition in a commercial vs creating a mock funeral service parade in the street is very different and it can be considered as desperation.

@Master_Soda: They may not seem to be worried by this demonstration however coming this late into the game.... any one with a right business mind would and should be concerned.