And I am happily married.. So now what.. ha
And I am happily married.. So now what.. ha
So your definition of romance is correct and everyone elses is incorrect? I think they re directed you to Kinka by accident. It is not, it is I am sure you can learn to make your imaginary boyfriend a sandwich there, or at least learn how to clean.
Nope, he gets it, I don't think you do. He is not saying he is going to tell her he is buying a ring and they are getting engaged soon. And honestly, who has ZERO idea that he is going to ask. If you are in a real relationship, you should absolutely have spoken about marriage and all the things that go along with it,…
Is this possible??? Is this the first time in the history of the interwebs that someone actually can admit he sees another persons points and has the balls to actually say it???ineedacar - congratulations, we have made history. I see your points with your information BTW. I think the Sabres are doing a good job re…
Yea ok I get your point. The thing I would say back to you is, why would they give up their young prospects (which they obviously liked enough to draft) and give up a draft pick to get the same in return? You know what I mean? I understand when he is healthy he will be worth more, but again, it is a perfect pairing…
Ok fair point. I over reacted. My bad. Sensitive about Myers.
I would love to hear your reasoning behind this one. The Sabres will most likely get Connor or Eichel next year. So that would mean two very very good players. I don't see your point or where you are coming from here.
UMMMM.. Patrick Kane is a different player.. Or am I missing something here?
Tyler Myers is 1/50 of Zdeno Chara. He had a good few months his rookie year. He has been AWFUL since. AWFUL is not being dramatic either.
I don't see how Buffalo loses in this deal at all.. Myers is wayy wayy over rated. He had one good year (actually about 4 good months). Bogosian is better than Myers. Stafford is horrible and only plays when it is a contract year. Armia has been in the AHL for years and the rumors are that he is still a year or two…
You're trying wayyy too hard.
This is not me being dramatic, this is seriously one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I was quite literally falling asleep. Save your money but more importantly, save three hours of your life you will never get back.
Living in Buffalo, NY has made me love Franks more than any other Hot Sauce. It is the only hot sauce. It is not actually hot but it is a hot sauce. I love Franks Hot Sauce.
I have also met this 'Fine Young Marauder". I know it sounds awful, but he is one of those kids that you hope fails. Such an awful thing to say, but it is truly how I felt. CUTigers, I went to SJCI and live in the town of Ton.. You from Buffalo?
I can't fucking wait for my ten year. I swear I don't join Facebook on purpose because I want to see all those complete deusch bags and stuck up bitches when they see that I am still fat and ugly , but my wife is insanely hot (I know none of you will believe it, but I swear to God I am a 4 and she is at least an 8 on…
I have a pretty similar story to everyone elses. A man I worked with was "friends" with Da Coach. Anyways he told me coach would be at the next game, and since I was going, stop by my friends RV and the coach is going to make a quick appearence. Being 22 years old, I thought that was literally the coolest thing I have…
Hope fully he was a lineman.. "Now starting, a DE, #99"
Quite obvs I (we all) saw it. I know you were excited, sorry to bring down your high.