
Let’s not forget that the authorities in certain nations are more than willing to misreport deaths or disappearances to protect their tourist market. On the other hand, there are certain places where tourists are relatively safe and secure but foreign workers for certain major companies (mines, oil, etc...) are

I love that you have declared this article specifically anti-trump even though it is specifically written on the subject of plea deals on criminal charges, and only tangentially involves a member of Trump’s team.

Here here. The only people slavering for a live action anime remake are the kind of fans who would be alienated by the same changes that Hollywood demands.

Hey, what’s with this liberal Safety Bear nonsense? I’m tired of left wing extremists demonizing fire. Its persecution, I tell you! Everyone knows body temperatures go up and down all of the time and man-made fires don’t contribute to third degree burns.

I’m confused:

For just general every day stuff, nothing beats a Fox 3 Day Assault Bag.

For just general every day stuff, nothing beats a Fox 3 Day Assault Bag.

This is all very sad and I think that Playtonic is overreacting. I don’t agree with Jontron’s views and I think that they’re ignorantly naive at best, but I also disagree that he should be dropped from an apolitical project like voice acting. We would be shocked and appalled if someone who had expressed the opposite

Stick it to the man, farmers!

Good call on the Mercy/Genji.

A nice article, though it does bring up the same classical question: How do you make sure you’re actually down there when the bomb goes off?

I was wondering if this was going to happen: An apology that isn’t an apology.

This is all just a matter of branding:

Samuel L. Jackson was the only shining lighting in that miserable monotonous nightmare, The Spirit. Almost every moment of him on screen was a laugh riot. He even managed to make his quiet moments perfect with lines like: “Does this look weird to you? I thought it looked weird.”

Why are current engineers so obsessed with putting living people inside of vacuum tubes? Is this some sort of bet, or contest?

These new tokens are so lame. They’re just repeating the same motif of the classic icons.

What the hell was Cynthia Hornbeck thinking? This crap has been part and parcel with Conan since before Howard put pen to paper. I’m not defending sexism-as-a-feature part of a modern board game but what did she expect was going to go on? She certainly can’t pretend to be blindsided by the objectification when it’s