
Oh, I see. You're one of those. Bah.

If you knew her background, you'd get why she can do that. But, really, you're only interested in judging a show that's entering its fourth season by watching a 2-min scene. Now, THAT is beyond silly.

While I did like the episode, I thought it tried to explore too many plots at once. I applaud Slack's ambition and, for the most part, he nailed the character interactions. I also thought it was the first time this season that a POI of the Week case clicked for me (I am not counting Simon as a POI of the Week because

It's funny. Root explained the plan ALL ALONG and no one listened, not even ourselves. I caught a rerun of Mors Praematura the other day and listened very carefully to what she says to Shaw: "The Machine has given me a mission (…) Something might hurt her…" etc. On an aside (and funny) note, Root says to Shaw: "And

Nah, it doesn't even enter the discussion. The only way is if it generated enough buzz, which is not. That's on large part the network's fault. They're promoting The Good Wife because it always was a critic's favourite. And, hey, with reason too as The Good Wife is fantastic.

Important questions:

The Crossing was good, but it's not a top 5 episode for me. In the top 10, yes.

Those two are in my top 10, undoubtedly. I'd say "Mors Praematura" is number 6 and "Razgovor" is number 7.

My top 5 POI episodes of season 3:

Root's "The only way to disappear is to appear" is Fred's "Nothing's inevitable as long as you stand up and say, 'you're evitable'?

That was fantastic. My mind is still reeling. Of course, we knew that Decima was behind Vigilance or at least suspected it, and still the show revealed it so beautifully, so fucking beautifully, that when you see the look on Leslie Odom Jr.'s face when Collier realises he's been a puppy all along, you cannot help but

Yes, that was Caroline Turing. I wonder she'll be back to using that alias.

Reading the Reddit topic, perhaps you guys have discussed it here, but someone asked a very good question it didn't occur to me until I decided to check that scene and rewatch.

The main problem with this show is not so much Ward or Skye or how annoying they both are. Sure, they are exasperating, but that should be inconsequential if the writing were good. Look how Arrow is dealing with demise, better yet, look how Person of Interest is dealing with an impossible situation. The writing is the

I hope you're right. I think Root is one of the best characters in television right now.

Man, I hope the show doesn't go predictable on me now and kill off Root. I find her… I don't know, but I find her heartbreaking. There's something inherently sad about Root. Don't ask me what or if it's intentional on Amy Acker's portrayal of Root, but I imagine Root as someone ruthless and, yes, amoral, but lonely.