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This will either be a fun pairing or a total disaster

Note found in box:

Hey, how about helping another guy get ungreyed? I was thinking about my dead dad....

AssOS is a much better name.

It’s tough to get anyone in Washington to admit to obstruction these days.

Why doesn’t he just add one of those “Views are my own, not of the majority of the American people” tags to his bio. Those seem to work for everyone else trying to indemnify themselves, right? Those, along with the e-mail signatures and “no copyright intended” on Youtube videos are basically ironclad contracts! Right?

I hear you and I think you’re right, but there’s more than just economics that make you a global player. Russia’s used nukes, oil and an over-sized military (along with arms exports) to punch above its GDP-weight in world affairs.

Incorrect. Apple Maps is perfectly fine... When driving in Palo Alto, or within a 20 mile radius.

Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?

::checks posts::


Cut it out with hope. You know damn well any additional “economic anxiety” Trump supporters get over this will be funneled towards liberals and minorities by Fox News etc. It’s part of the plan. Rob them, and blame everyone else. “We didn’t achieve 3% growth like we thought because of the 5th Benghazi

Albert, can you tell us more about your clam?

Did you just give everybody the advice that you can’t give everybody advice?

Sort of. Here’s the thing, everybody knew all of this in high school when they thought everybody was a big dummy. The only difference is now that they’re an adult, they might realize that they’re one of the big dummies too. There’s like maybe 500,000 intelligent and interesting people in this country. If you’re lucky

Since I’m comfortable when it’s 95 outside (thinning blood is a definite advantage these days) I should be fine.

“he didn’t confirm a thing other than he was communicating with them about issues.”