
I'm living this first hand. I just punted my '96 Saturn SL2 for a 2014 Mazda3. There's no way all of these new buttons are going to be working in 2022, let alone be able to interface with my Cockputer(tm).

I don't think they'll ever get it.

*Taking individual ice cubes out of the tray instead of dumping them all in the bin and grabbing what you need LIKE A GODDAMN ADULT.

Absolute speed doesn't matter, relative speed does. Also, I doubt the additional time to react at 70 mph is significantly different than at 80 mph.

Modern Woo isn't in trouble, per se, but it's just that you have the opportunity to get the best and worst woo these days; because internet.

Double fisting with a single fist; that's how champions do it.

RE: Not wearing hats indoors.

Totally a food baby situation. He should really wait 30 minutes before getting in the water to avoid LeBroning

I used an old toothbrush for that last weekend, and it worked great.

What's the Gawker Media company picnic like? Is there all the cocaine, or just most of it?



Gizmodo Basic

In other news from Jalopnik:

Because statistics.

I found their inspiration

Hooters is the worst, and I feel way bad for their waitstaff than any stripper. Strip club patrons, for the most part, understand that everything is an act and just a performance by the dancers. At Hooters, however, the customers can't seem to distinguish genuine flirting (which I doubt has ever happened any of their

I too foresee the phrase "Mixed use commercial-residential" in the building's future. We have lots of projects in the works like that in Lansing, both new development (Marketplace apartments) and rehab (Knapp's building, Michigan School for the Blind).