Isa Kocher

god, how utterly hypocritical can you get. all the mayhem all the murder all the sturm and drang blood and guts of this absurd dramatic tv program and yo call me out on describing one of its characters. that is frankly insane. she is the type of person that drives people to suicide. that is an abstract description of

you make things up as you go along. no go away.

1. i am entitled to my opinion. i am flat out wrong. which is it? 2. soundly refuted by what research where. you assert your personal anecdotal observation and some cliche characterization vs the published research over the last past century. that's merely saying your opinion trumps everyone else's. by definition a.

nobody this bright is that clueless. he's not Big Bang Theory. he's highly adept and insightful reading social cues. that's his whole schtick. the tiniest physical clue tells him a person's whole social life. so he knows what's going on and uses that knowledge professionally. that demands insight. it's also not that

yes so true. have you considered syndication.

yes. so true. i am overwhelmmed by your accuity

all i can say is how deeply effected i am by your unbelievable incredible generous caring concern for me. words fail me. to go to such lengths to show your compassion for a complete stranger. it's truly touching. francis jorge bergoglio would give you a huge hug if he could. have you considered syndication?

What is Psychopathy?

by definition, sociopaths cannot empathize, as your own narrative proves. you cannot teach empathy to a sociopath. because there is a neurological deficiency. quote"sociopaths were learning how to recognise [sic], understand, and better manipulate the emotional states of others." endquote. exactly! they were not

you are so completely right. how could i have been so wrong. thanks so much for enlightening me of my errors. i am forever in your debt.
i googled empathy BTW

1. "must" is not the issue. suspension of disbelief. that was the issue. 2. Paul Erdos obviously had exceptional social skills since he lived his entire adult life as a guest in other people's homes all of whom loved him, were intensely loyal to him, cared for him. Networking is the quintessential social skill. his

"must" is nowhere the issue. suspension of disbelief is the issue. the writers push suspension of disbelief too far. "must" is a red herring unrelated to the issues at hand.

it stretches suspension of disbelief beyond its limits. it gets more improbable every week. it is so overacted overwritten overstretched i feel embarrassed watching it. i don't like her. she's officious, bullying, suspicious. not the companion i'd want in my house recovering. he is rude obnoxious unpleasant and smart

the lottery ticket hints at some deus ex machina resolution in irony. something along the lines of my name is earl.